I always like some DS recognition. It was, IMO, not only the best RPG of 2009, but the best game of that year. And I have really high hopes for Dark Souls.
calvinsora's forum posts
Free online, Blu-ray and exclusives, basically the reason I choose PS3 over 360. I also think the DS3 is better than the 360 controller. Anyway, it's dependant on what you look for in a console.
Demon's Souls, Bioshock and Portal. There are other individual entries in a series I prefer more, but as a franchise, these are in my opinion the strongest.
AA is a great game, but it had problems, a number of them. They may disappear with AC, but that remains to be seen. I'd say that From Software's Demon's Souls (and its future spiritual sequel, Dark Souls) are the biggest success story in how they didn't feel swayed to make things any easier just for convenience. But it's all opinion, after all.
It depends on how you view success. If it's a matter of a game being good than it's a success. But Batman and Assassin's Creed, the two games most people are mentioning, earned critical reception, mainstream popularity, sales and numerous awards. Demon's Souls, while winning GotY at GS, has ended up as a much more niche title than either of those two games.
Regardless, I'm still standing by Wii as this gen's biggest success story.
You've got a point, DS still is a bit niche. If we went with overall success in gaming itself, I'd agree with the Wii. As for game, I'd say that Minecraft is an incredible success.
The mgs plot that has the man with possessed by a hand but not really is the loser.[QUOTE="dreman999"][QUOTE="finalfantasy94"]
I wouldint call it logic just more simple. SO yea MGS3 has a more simple and straight forward plot then the other MGS,but that doesint make it better.
imo I still think MGS4 is a better game then 3. I dont know how the hand thing makes anything different. It sure didint bug me.
Just had to add:
[spoiler] He wasn't posessed by the hand, that was explained near the end. When he threw off the coat, his hand turned out to be cybernetic. Ocelot spread that rumor because he wanted people to think he was under the will of Liquid. [/spoiler]
AA is a great game, but it had problems, a number of them. They may disappear with AC, but that remains to be seen. I'd say that From Software's Demon's Souls (and its future spiritual sequel, Dark Souls) are the biggest success story in how they didn't feel swayed to make things any easier just for convenience. But it's all opinion, after all.
EDIT: And after someone mentioned it, I'd have to say Minecraft is truly a success story for the ages.
It would depend if what they mean by remake is just slapping on HD (the multiple game packs on PS3) or making from scratch new HD models. I don't care much for the former, but would love to see the FF games on PS to get that treatment, along with the Spyro games on the same system.
SW's it does. why everyone on here is PC gamer.
PS3 and 360 owners are actually almost as bad, in my experience.
It amazes me they can claim there's a huge difference between say, RDR and LA Noire, between the 360 and PS3 versions, but I bet when LA Noire comes to PC they're gonna say it doesn't look that different. The same stuff that's always said with each multiplat.
Differences, when present, are always exaggerated. Basically, it's just fanboys slobbering over their preferred purchase, nothing new in that sense. Differences between 360 and PS3 are usually laughably small, I can only think of a few rare exceptions. :P
I'm not ashamed of my hobby, but I admit I feel uncomfortable when someone sees me gaming. I think that's more a privacy thing than anything else, though.
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