@tony56723: That line stuck out to me as well. They decided to go with Advanced Warfare instead; because no one has seen anything like a FPS based on a semi-futuristic setting.
@SchNerdy: I'm just afraid of the following scenario. Put a whole lot of money into developing a game for a whole different console then releasing it a year late. If that game doesn't do so hot due to lack of interest, a flooded holiday market or people just not feeling like they should pay full price for a game that's probably marked down on another console; that's potential for a lot of money lost. I know Dead Rising has done fine on XBOX, it's the developing for another console that I'm curious about.
I'm quite curious how this will all pan out as far as sales numbers go. It will essentially be a year old game coming out for PS4 in a holiday season at what I can only assume will be full price. I think if you're trying to branch out to other consoles, this is a poor way of doing it. Kind of like Tomb Raider; I was initially quite interested but after all this time, I just have too much of a catalogue to care about it right now.
What happened with Take Two? They made the statement that this was going to be a big E3 for them and yet I've heard nothing. I'm not mad, just a little disappointed and genuinely curious on what changed.
I was really hoping this was the case. Seemed like an appropriate setup to be the initial attacks in Racoon Forest to eventually get to Resident Evil 1 timeframe. I like the look of it thus far, I just hope it doesn't actually do 1st person (I'm sure it was just for the teaser demo).
Please let this be the Spider-Man game I've been waiting for. I'm just happy the property is out of Activision's hands. Have a lot of faith in Insomniac to do this right.
camverge's comments