I don't like Sony because they tried to sell me a $600 dollar, glorified blu-ray system, with a piss-poor online network and told me "to get a second job." See how unbiased I am?
Lol pple complaining that this remake is not a Killer Instinct game, but the odd thing is I don't see anyone complaining about all the new Mortal Kombats, Soul Caliburs, Street Fighters, and Tekkens...you think those games are the same way that they were in the old days? The point is that franchises evolve, honestly in this day and age you hipsters can't seriously have that big of a hard on for 2-D games with limited-ass controls.
The game can be obtained two damn ways: either get the f2p version and download the characters you want, or stop bitching and buy the full game...It's that simple folks. Street Fighter didn't invent the concept of 3-D fighting games, so stop comparing this game to Street Fighter. If pple really expect to get the whole game completely free then they're complete morons, and I seriously don't know how they manage to tie their own shoes, or at the very least formulate a coherent thought.
I see people who give Bioware alot of grief becus' of DA2 and ME3, but nobody gives Bethesda grief for making a super-bugged game, that was bland in comparison to the previous Elder Scrolls game, with an equally bland plot...
DA2 and ME3's ending isn't enough for me to swear off one of my favorite developers, everyone makes a bad game every once in a while, and almost every developer has at least put one bad element into a good game.
With that being said, I didn't really care about having different races anyway just as long as the plot and gameplay was solid, this bit of news just enhances what I already perceived from this game, it just went from great to awesome!
Lol if you ask me this news shouldn't be a problem, recording your gameplay and sending it to your friends has always sounded like a dumb concept to me....honestly I don't care that MS charges for XBL Gold, or this feature, as I won't be using it.
If any Sony fans have a problem with the way MS does business then stick with the PS4, there's no need to stalk Xbox/MS articles just so you can announce to everyone how much you love licking your Cerny portraits every evening, or how well PS fans can polish a golden Hirai stick...really there's no need for that. I know this message will be lost in a sea of flaming PS-tards but here goes: Why don't you Sonyboys stay on your own Sony-centric articles? It's really stupid to walk into forums or news boards that cater or pertains to the very thing that you hate.
ceromaster's comments