Honestly, I'm a firm believer that fans have more potency to ruin a franchise than a single developer/publisher. All the pple who are complaining about the 'dumbing down' of ME2 asked for those changes...
Making things easier for newcomers doesn't equal 'dumbing down' it simply means that more pple will be able to embrace the series, I don't see a problem with that. I think the next ME game will be a slam dunk, however I'm concerned about the directions they may take with it, I just hope that it's a sequel.
Imo, MS should just stop talking but not because of the fact that they sound stupid.
They should stop talking because over half of the gamers are still too pissed about that DRM thing, and they still don't like the fact that the Xbox One has a built in Kinect. The only smart thing MS can do now is just stop trying to compete with Sony and just get their shit straight, the One already has plenty of pre-orders (though not as many as the PS4) so they should take their winnings and run with them. Despite all the anti-MS trolls and all the fanboys running their mouths, they still have a handful of supporters.
They should accept the fact that not everyone is going to buy their console and just deal with it. At this point if MS really wants more support a few things are gonna' have to happen: sell the One at a huge loss by making it $150 cheaper, delay and have the mandatory Kinect removed, or if the PS4 has a bad launch due to hardware or software problems. Personally I have no problem with the One, but due to the bad publicity MS has already lost this gen, the One has nearly (if not completely) fallen to the Wii-U's level.
I reiterate, MS NEEDS to shut-up, work out their shit, focus on their positives (game, XBL, and marketing), and worry about everything else after the launch.
I'll tell you genwunners one thing. In order for your arguments against any other gen after gen 1 to be valid Gamefreak would have to remove half of the pokemon from Gen 1 permanently.
Seriously your arguments fall apart when Gen 1 had pokemon in the form of pokeballs, piles of goo, cracked eggs, simple ass rocks, basic ass birds, literal rats, magnets, and Jinx...........
All I can say is wait until the game launches and SEE how it works. I find it very funny that people who have no experience in game developing think they know more than actual game developers...
ceromaster's comments