I understand that indie developing is a bitch, especially if you're doing it on your own, but what the hell do these indie developers expect? They're competing against giants in this industry with more money, more support, and more influence; do they expect this to be a walk in the park?
Just because you're indie doesn't mean you'll have immunity from the criticism and it doesn't mean everybody is gonna' jump on board with your game, as a matter of fact being indie 97% of the time (there are exceptions) means that you will have more criticism and you won't have very much support because let's be honest here...indie developers can't pull off what a larger publisher/developer can do: big companies have assloads of resources, extensive marketing, and more pple working on one project, plus MOST of the gaming community are geared towards AAA games...the odds are already against indies.
All I can say for indies is that they have a tough road ahead of them, wanting to have freedom and wanting to stay independent is a nice ambition, but let's face the facts, the biggest restriction for indies is MONEY, and one of their easiest options is being tied to major publisher...however if they don't want that, and still prefer their freedom and independence then they have no choice but to tank the hard shit or get out.
Lol I think it's funny when pple in the comments say gamers are being too hard on Fish with all the bashing, even though some of these same commentators relentlessly bash everything within sight that they don't like.
From EA to Activision, from MS to Ubisoft, no one ever starts to wonder whether or not they deserve to be thrashed everyday, and imo these companies are more worthy for my dollar than some asshole, whiny-ass developer who constantly condescends and criticizes other pple's work when his own game is far from perfect.
If I can say anything about the most hated publishers in the industry, at least they have thick skin and enough gall to wade through the BS they face from the gaming community, Phil Fish basically rage-quited just because his over-sized ego wasn't being stroked constantly from the success of his one developed game.
This is a great reversal on MS's part (even though I don't care about indie gaming that much) and pple still find ways to bash it or somehow make it all about Sony and the PS4....
I find it highly hilarious that some pple on this site are totally okay with a person receiving death threats. It doesn't really matter what kind of fanbase a game has or how bad a gaming franchise is, the whole point of this article is that ALL game fanbases has its share of shitty fans, and those fans that are shitty should chill out.
No one has the right to send someone death threats, especially when it's over a fucking videogame, and anyone who thinks this is okay, or somehow has the reasoning to blame Activision for their plague of internet retards; is an asshole.
ceromaster's comments