I don't think MS or EA is shifting blame on anybody. As a matter of fact I believe that most developers, at least in these days, legitimately don't support used games. And the reason why I think this is because of how they are reacting. So far, there hasn't been a single comment saying "NO" to MS's proposal, they're all trying really hard to avoid the question.
Now, it's funny because MS is leaving it up to the developers, isn't that what Sony is doing? I think it would be wrong to place all the blame on MS, and come on Bethesda's reply was complete bullshit, let's all be honest here and let's not be fanboys about this..I'm willing to bet that all these developers are carefully considering MS's plan while trying to avoid having to say something too early.
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, because lately anything that is somewhat lenient on MS's behalf get's major backlash, but this is all just my opinion, and I'm just calling it how I see it.
Lol I'm not disappointed, I still have a working Xbox 360
and besides...for those of you who forgot, Fable was never originally a PC franchise anyway, it started as an Xbox exclusive and then it was decided to only afterwards to make it for the PC..and they said it wasn't ruled out so a PC port is very much possible, and it makes every bit of since to focus on the console version first, so chill out..
I don't care what anyone says: the story for DA2 was spot on and very realistic from a certain perspective.
You have to understand that sometimes no matter how hard you try things are just gonna' happen, I really liked how some characters didn't give two shits about what you had to say and did their own thing anyway..that's really realistic and good story-telling.
Quite honestly, DA2 wasn't that bad, yeah there were a few things that they should have done better, but it didn't suck, overall the game was worthwhile, and the plot set things up nicely for future games and gave us a few more mysteries to ponder (Legacy FTW). I trust Bioware 100% and they have shown that they're willing to listen to the fans, what more do you want? You can't get everything you ask for.
DA3 is gonna' be awesome and a day one buy for me.
I believe you can trust the words of a video game composer, since you know he actually does work on video games...same way you can trust a doctor to give out medical advice...and it doesn't take rocket science or even serious study to know that video games have little to no effect on the human mind..
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