I understand some of the heat MS is facing, but I believe it's also important to be wary of Sony as well. If anyone would actually take the time, with no bias, and actually think they would see the PS4 and Xbox One will be no different from one another. The Xbox One reveal reeked of gimmicks, but so did the PS4 reveal...the only difference is that MS was at least being honest about their approach, Sony did a whole lot of sugar coating and many PS fanboys, for some reason, didn't see past the blatant wall of BS.
Now in my eyes both of the reveals were pretty shitty, both pushed out an equal amount of stupid, but I'm not going to bash either of them for that. I'm not concerned for console wars, and I think that anyone who takes part in them are simply stupid. I don't know how some of you will go about this, but I'm down for whichever console has the strongest game lineup, and I'm not gonna' be biased towards Sony or MS and I think any gamer should have this attitude. I'm gonna' wait and see what both MS and Sony have to show at E3 and whoever has the most games I want will earn my cash.
The 'all-in-one' thing doesn't bother me, the 'consoles are for gaming' argument was never a strong one, especially since phones are supposed to be for talking but now you can type on them, play games on them, listen to music on them, make credit transactions on them, take pictures with them, etc. Far from the real purpose of a phone...same goes for computers the original purpose for computers was never for gaming and the concept of internet was unheard of, this logic goes for many of the things we use today, it's a big word called Innovation, find a dictionary look it up..
To end this wall of text I will say: both MS and Sony are jackasses, but I'm giving them BOTH a chance, and about the used game fee, Sony implied that developers have the ability to outright block used games on the PS4...just sayin'
If this is really true and is actually confirmed by MS, then everyone who jumped ship and bad-mouthed the nextbox (myself included) will look really stupid.
"... the stereotypical male character is also created in a way catered to how the men want to see them, they aren't objectified for the female audience, and they are not objectified sexually."
So you're saying to be a 'true gamer' we have to only like and play games from one or two genres?
Srry to burst your bubble but a 'true gamer' plays games that he/she likes, not what anyone else thinks is good, and there's no such thing as an 'elite' gamer, there are just gamers in general. The fact that there are pple willing to refer to themselves as 'elite' or 'true' gamers, says a whole lot about their social life, imo.
Do you understand the concept of a comment section section? If you do, then you should appreciate the fact that it doesn't matter what you write on here. By the way, going out of your way to insult or shame someone else on the internet only makes yourself look stupid, especially when you realize the person you're attempting to shame, and everyone else, doesn't even care.
ceromaster's comments