@frozenux @cf_Kage Then surely the resolution can be pushed higher on that PC? :p I'd much prefer running the game at 1080P, and throwing up AA. At lower resolutions, it would be harder to see the spherical objects not being completely round
Bioshock Infinite is using Unreal 3 which has been heavily modified. You can tell its Unreal Engine 3 by just looking at it. Personally, I'm not all that impressed by the screenshots alone.
The Last Of Us graphics look remarkable, for something running in 720P-1080P, and that in my opinion is a better resolution for most people , than using one that most people wouldn't be able to run on most monitors.
I saw this game advertised and thought it was just a multiplayer game, and possibly for another console. I've only just realised its an Xbox 360 game, as I knew the GOW series had finished on 3
I don't see why people hate on this particular game. It seems amazing to me! I personally hate open world games, as I get lost and bored wondering what the heck to do.
I much prefer a linear game, and this is the next step up. Its still enables you lots of control whilst facing a story
@Sam_021 @cf_Kage You aren't looking at the bigger picture. The actual animations are tonnes better, albeit very scripted. The hair can be done rather well right now in my opinion
Animations looks a lot better, but they need to change the way the eyebrows/eyes look when they smile. That guy looks creepy when he smiles to the girl. It doesn't look friendly.
If they also creased the eyes, it would be a lot more believeable
cf_Kage's comments