You missed the important bit of that quote and that is where the quote was actually said. The quote was not aimed at "gamers" it was aimed at "investors". It is purely investor speak and designed to get people with money to invest in EA. When you talk to investors you quite literally say any bull to get them to part with their money, you will practically announce the Earth is flat if that will encourage people to invest in your company.
So with that in mind I will wait and see, I am very much looking forward to Mass Effect 3. I cannot wait to see the conclusion of Shepard's story and I am not going to let a bit of "investor" talk dampen my enthusiasm.
I also wouldn't say that "The Witcher 2" is a good example of a deep RPG selling well. There is no way "The Witcher 2" will ever match the same sales targets that they are aiming for with Mass Effect 3. At the end of the day enjoy the hype and the info, stop looking for "OMGZ I didn't like the sound of that" things.
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