I can't see you having a problem I know I didn't have any issue. I bought ME 1 from the EA store played through it and then bought ME 2 on steam and imported my save games with no issue. You have to remember there is usually very little difference between the steam version of the game and the retail version.
charmingcharlie's forum posts
Ah nowt wrong with that the_ChEeSe_mAn2 probably one of the great things about ME 1 is that you have a great deal of freedom in how you can play it. I just wanted to raise the point that any one buying ME 1 shouldn't make the same mistake I did when I first got the game ;) .
Now whenever I play ME 1 I always spend a great deal of time on the Citadel to make sure I have everything right before I scoot off and bring order to the Galaxy. However my first time I was like "oh shut up Udini, god when do I actually get to kill something ?".
Nice, thanks for the heads up. I definitely don't mind "dry" at all, unless... Wait, it isn't like the first hour of Deus Ex, is it? :P Nah, I'm excited as hell to play it. :DJN_Fenrir
Nah it's just a lot of walking around and talking, on my first playthrough of ME 1 I absolutely despised the first hour or so on the Citadel. I wanted to get out there explore the galaxy instead I had to faff about with all this intrigue rubbish. On subsequent playthroughs I came to appreciate the way the 1st hour breaks you into the game but for a first timer the 1st hour can be off putting.
I don't mean to diss ME 1 it is my favourite game along with ME 2 which is quite an achievement because like I said when I first got it I chucked it on the shelf and didn't touch it again for several months. I really thought it was that bad but now I love it.
Awesome, thanks for the advice! I went ahead and bought both of them. Kudos! :)JN_Fenrir
You might need to perservere with ME 1, the first hour or so is very dry but once you get off the Citadel the game really does open up. I remember when I first played ME 1 I got bored of it during the Citadel and left it on the shelf for several months before revisiting it.
Better still why not buy the PC version of Mass Effect 1 ? At the moment it is going dirt cheap on steam at £2.50. You might even be surprised at how much better ME 1 is on the PC but either way don't just play the vanilla storyline for ME 2 it will weaken the whole story for yourself.
The default storylines for ME 2 if you don't import a save game are extremely crappy, you really are doing yourself and the game a disservice by just playing the default storyline. It is incredibly easy to find a PC ME 1 save that you can import into the game and it will give you a much more satisfying experience. You can easily find a save game here :-
Really I cannot stress enough how much better ME 2 is if you use the save game import and tailor the game to the decisions you made in ME 1.
Erm no it isn't "pretty obvious they will be on your team" there is still quite a bit of debate as to what Liara's role will be in ME 3. Just because there is a PROMOTIONAL screen shot showing Liara standing shoulder to shoulder with Shep does not automatically equate to "is a squad mate". The same goes for Kaidan/Ashley we do not know how big a role they will have in ME 3 this picture does not give us any clue whatsoever you are just jumping to the conclusion that they will be team mates.
When I say it is common knowledge I mean anyone that has played the Mass Effect series will pretty much EXPECT to see Kaidan/Ashley and Liara in ME 3, they were in ME 1 and ME 2 so I hardly think it is any great spoiler that shock horror they are in ME 3 as well. The screen shot just tells us that they are in ME 3 that is it anything else you want to surmise from that screen shot is your own doing.
However since you are so concerned about it I will re-arrange the post slightly so that any one entering can read about the delay and avoid the pictures. But I really think you are being incredibly picky here. These are official screen shots from Bioware and contain absolutely nothing that anyone playing the ME series won't already know.
Seeing who is going to be rejoining your party seems like a pretty big spoiler to me.guynamedbilly
You are drawing your own conclusions based on what you see from the screenshot. That screenshot does not suggest for a minute that either Kaiden or Liara will be permanent members of your team, you are just surmising they will based on that screenshot. All that screenshot shows us is that Kaiden/Ashley and Liara will be in the game, I would hardly call that a spoiler it has been common knowledge since the release of ME 2 that certain figures were given low key roles in ME 2 so they could have a role in ME 3.
I don't want to ruin the game for anyone and if I thought for a second that the pictures had storyline spoilers in I wouldn't have embedded them. At the end of the day whatever information is put up about ME 3 will be spoilerish.
I've already seen those and am not upset myself, but those pictures should be hidden by spoiler warning. At least the last one.guynamedbilly
Perhaps you could enlighten me as to how those two screenshots are spoilers ? The first screenshot is a picture of a building on a planet it does not tell you what the building is or what planet it is on. The second picture in no way spoils any aspect of the Mass Effect 3 story line or perhaps I am missing something ? could you explain why you feel a screenshot of returning characters to a game is some how a "spoiler".
Apparently the delay is so Bioware can "tweak it" to appeal to a larger market :roll: according to the head at EA :-
Essentially, step by step, [BioWare is] adjusting some of the gameplay mechanics and some of the features that you'll see at E3 that can put this into a genre equivalent of shooter-meets-RPG, and essentially address a far larger market opportunity than Mass Effect 1 did and Mass Effect 2 began to approach.John Riccitiello
Now that could just be marketing speak or it could mean something else. However probably best to reserve judgements till E3 when we will get a better idea what this "tweaking it to address a far larger market" actually means.
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