Did anyone seriously expect a good score?MegaMatt91So far PC reviews of the game have been decent (unless you buy into Remmib's new world conspiracy theory of them being bought off). What I didn't expect was to find us discussing a review of the Xbox 360 version in the PC section of this forum ....... hm it's the Gamespot forum maybe I should've expected that.
charmingcharlie's forum posts
I didn't cancel my pre-order for Duke Nukem and it arrived yesterday. I played a couple of hours last night and spent most of the day playing it and i love it. I get the feeling a lot of people are just not going to give this game a chance, no it isn't perfect, yes there are things that could be better. But it still provides a hell of a ride , I don't regret buying this game for a minute.
Personally I game exclusively on the PC for several reasons. The main reason being I cannot stand joypad controls, I owned a 360 for about a month and absolutely hated the control scheme. Secondly I just love the flexibility of PC gaming you can just do so much more with games on the PC. Finally whilst I don't have a top of the range PC anymore my PC is still vastly better than the console hardware so I don't see the sense in paying hundreds of pounds for a console when my PC already plays games far better. So I guess you could call me a "pure" pc gamer.
I think we can safely say it won't "leak" over to the PC, this is Microsoft we are talking about and they are not about to let any Xbox feature get trumped by it appearing on the PC as well. I think we can be safe in the knowledge that this "unique" feature will stay an Xbox exclusive and I for one can honestly say that brings joy to my heart :P
As for what Bioware were thinking, hm I have no proof but I suspect their main thought was "my Microsoft these bags of money you just gave us to shove Kinect support in are very heavy".
As far as I am aware Kinect will only be available on the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3. The PC version of Mass Effect 3 will thankfully be spared the horry of that crappy gimmick.
Hopefully you've learned your lesson about pre-ordering games.No one ever listens to my sagely advice when I say never pre-order (though there are a few exceptions to this rule).
In the case of Duke Nukem Forever you got access to the demo a week before release of the game, that means you have plenty of time to cancel the game if you didn't like it. The pre-order does not cost a penny so you aren't out of pocket and you got to test some of the product early. So in the case of Duke Nukem it DID make sense to pre-order the game.
Really? What a dumb decision. They shot themselves in the foot.ampiva
Yep really dumb of them to use Steam the largest most popular DD Network on the PC platform that accounts for most of the DD market on the PC. I mean seriously just what were Gearbox thinking, I can really see how they "shot themselves in the foot" :roll: (for those with a faulty sarcasm detector I was being sacarstic).
Personally I quite enjoyed the demo even if it was a tad bit on the short side. I was a bit disappointed with the performance though, granted I don't have a top of the range PC anymore (quad with GTX260) but I would have expected it to run better than it actually does. The two weapon limit is damn annoying though, I really don't understand why developers go out of their way to limit the FUN in their games.
The graphics are not that great, but "do the job" they are supposed too (which is strange why it runs so badly). Anyway after the Demo I will keep my pre-order for the Balls of Steel Edition going. So roll on the 10th June when we can play the full game.
A simple google search would have shown you that last years Summer sale started on the 25th June 2010. I would surmise it is logical to assume that the sale this year will start on roughly the same date.
Great news about Carmageddon, I remember playing Carma 1 on my Pentium 133mhz and I upgraded to a Pentium II @ 400mhz for Carmageddon 2. I just hope things go well for them and they pick up a publisher that is willing to take a few risks so that Stainless Steel can give us an excellent game.
Meanwhile we still have some time to wait till we see a new Carmageddon so if you are look for a bit of action similar to good ole Carma 2 then you could do worse than pick up a copy of "Clutch" I bought it today off steam and it has things in common with Carmageddon 2. You can find out more info here :-
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