Isn't maxed out supposed to be... maxed out? Like everything on very high and view distance, detail distance and Vehicle density on 100?In that case he isn't playing it on max, though I may be wrong.
You obviously didn't get the memo Resistance_Kid, maxxed out no longer means "maxxing the settings out" on the PC. It seems to me that Maxxed out = whatever settings people can play the game at now. The point is if you need a fast i7 + 2 x GTX480's just to "max" GTA 4 out at 1920 x 1080 @ 30fps then you have to question those that claim they can run GTA 4 at very high settings and get playable frame rates.
At the end of the day I know it is futile arguing with those that believe GTA 4 is a well optimised game, they just refuse to accept it. The quality Rockstar Toronto put into GTA 4 and the patches is pretty abysmal. I remember patch even removed a lot of game assets from the game which had to be re-added again in patch
If the next GTA is of the same dubious quality as GTA 4 then I know I definitely will not be touching it with a barge pole and judging by many comments I have read from PC users I am not alone in that decision.
I have a Q9650 @ 3 Ghz (may overclock soon), 4 GB DDR2 OCZ Dual Channel Ram and a 480 GTX Zotac AMP!.HeavenIceDay
So you have a very decent system and a graphics card that completely eclipses the console gpu by a factor of at least 10. Yet despite all this you have to play the game at some settings that are hardly better than the console version and you think that is acceptable ? I just give up.
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