Getting pigeonholed into writing only one story for the rest of your life due to corporate greed rather than actual vision for the series or going for new opportunities in a blank-slate (but still large) company. It's a no-brainer when seen like this but I dunno about his personal circumstances, such a long tenure in a position like that could only end with some very good reasons.
For some reason the show photo reminds me of The Tripod Trilogy, a great old sci-fi series mostly aimed at kids. It had a UK TV adaptation (which I did not watch) but could work as a non-shooter game, which this one is unlikely to be (they'll probably make a competent game nonetheless).
@cornbredx @chronocommander @Killermonkey97 I'm against sugarcoating for nostalgia's sake too, my concern here is that even with these flaws the game is probably still an average platformer in which case the critic's role as an evaluator is not served by an overly negative emotional response consigning the game to the "do not play" pile that a 4 effectively ends up doing. Of course, I'm basing my take here on the excellent older one and sure I do agree that the issues pointed out warrant some negative response but do not feel the score assigned reflects a genuine appraisal of the game in relation to its peers.
@Killermonkey97 But does that warrant such a low score? I find that surprising, the original Duck Tales game is still a great platformer, it is difficult to see how even a straight up visual improvement could mess it up so badly.
Pokemon has gone crazy, the roster is huge beyond sense and now some meaningless extra features getting crammed in and locked behind worse than DLC event-only distributions. Sure, mega blaziken looks cool, but where are the gameplay enhancements? This series could be so much more, there is genuine backstory in there, there could even be focus on the human side of the story mixed in with more varied general gameplay (a more interactive game world for example) but it's just getting bogged down in progressively worse visual design and a ballooning roster following a barely changed template from Red's time. Sure, it's a really good template but with inherent flaws building up like this it'll hit a wall sooner or later, something like AC, RE or CoD (all sell well, but the energy is getting sapped out of each successive entry).
@RoyialNetwork Elder scrolls 2 and arena are freeware and the other games in this collection frequently go on sale for very deep discounts. Skyrim will soon join the sales bandwagon too, so if you want the games themselves you can buy this entire set for under $20 (and when Skyrim starts going on sale slightly more). Not as great a deal as it sounds.
@rexxy963 I agree that for the games only the price is insanely excessive especially considering that 2 of these games are freeware as you said. The retail set and extras are probably what are being used to drive up the sticker price though. This is essentially a collector's item that will end up on ebay for several times the original price in a few years though so if anyone's interested in a long term investment, buy this, do not remove the shrink-wrap and sell it after a few years (with the actual games bought on digital sales).
chronocommander's comments