@jhcho2: Let me give you some real stats that completely disprove your assertion:
As of this post:
Current Concurrent Steam Users: 10,836,620
Current Players per game:
Dota 2: 751,798
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: 715,558
With the rest of the most played games with thousands of users including Team Fortress 2, GTA V, Civilization V, ARK and a vast variety of games across all genres.
That's 86.46 % of over 10 million concurrent users NOT playing Dota/Counterstrike. Steam users are gamers alright.
@viciouskiller: You are so intent on defending your point of view that you are not even objectively reviewing the points in front of you. I said "real women" indicating a researched opinion (meaning I know of several ethnically and geographically diverse REAL cases). You on the other hand are just going by hearsay and personal attacks just to try and prove me wrong. There is nothing sexist in what I said, quite the contrary in fact. There is no reasoning with irrational arguments, if you wish to continue this discussion at least present cogent points rationally, otherwise thanks for the insight into disappointingly narrow and childish arguments and attacks where some genuinely interesting debate could have happened. Good day/night (whatever be the time when you read this).
@jonexotic: For my issue with the women spartan see my response to viciouskiller below. What I take issue with in the response of the Halo franchise development director is that he is trying to pass off the fact that they are using an objectified representation of women for the reasons I mentioned (targeting lust etc) as some sort of "tactical advantage". That's like saying "hey for a woman to get attention from men she should strip and that's ok". It's a pathetic attempt at PR.
@kargion: "She's not actually nude" is what the guy is saying himself, if thin lines passing for clothing is your idea of non-nude and not skimpy what is?
@viciouskiller: If you have ever oberved real women having gone through some quite terrible events, they remain women. Sure they can look physically different but the fact remains they have their own view on things and behaviours rather than the male fantasy fulfilment rife in video games and movies that is being passed off as this pathetic excuse for making her effectively nude just to create a "sexy" character. It is outright objectification of women, might fly in the 90s but we're no longer there.
@jonexotic: Did I say that? I do not see that mentioned in my comment. Furthermore how is walking around naked covered by some thin lines passing for clothing just sexiness? I don't see people finding that acceptable in any public setting, definitely not so in any of the civilians and personnel in Halo.
Barbarism being passed off as something a "smart" person would do. Seriously MS just spit out the truth, you are targeting the lust of immature kids (and adults) with no real concern about your portrayal of women. Your female spartans are essentially men with breasts too, no real shift in perspective, no real respect, just flavouring, pathetic.
chronocommander's comments