@STrugglingFool For cable TV (which Syfy is) yes its good. Especially with a high 18-49 demo. To put it in perspective, The Walking Dead (one of the most watched Cable TV shows right now) had 4 million to start.
@godzilla_hiper I'm not. The guy was getting a killing game. Killing is worse than accepting a fake digital baptism for a character that is not you. Valve got trolled, and it makes them look stupid. I thought they were better than that. Clealry not.
@hxcaleb You respect this guy for standing up for his beliefs.......
Except the guy was a giant troll. He was buying a game knowing it was a game where he would murder countless people. But he couldn't accept a digital baptism. He just got his money back from Valve in a completely troll manner.
If Microsoft wants their console to be always online, they better be selling a 100% reliable, fast, and affordable internet connection to go with it, otherwise it will flop.
@Forcecaster The Xbox 360 plays Xbox games through emulation, not 'true' backwards compatibility. And all the format change would confirm is that its not 'true' backwards compatible again. They can still emulate just like they did this gen.
So, I don't really know what you're talking about. Even with a format change, it wouldn't be confirmed.
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