@Lokusasu The reason why their monthly revenue doubled is because there are plenty of F2P users paying a lot more than the sub fee for every little thing.
Played this game a lot since beta until now. The review is pretty fair.
You can survive forever if you play safe, but venturing out increases death exponentially. Thus making the game boring if you do what the game's namesake is (Don't Starve)...but when you get bored and go out for a portal piece there will be some ridiculous situations that will cause you to lose hours (or even days) of gameplay.
Its fun, its addicting, it makes me not want to play anymore a lot too. Good review Nathan.
@CHROMEFLAMIN @Mr_Big_Boss That's the best part about Bankruptcy. They won't have to pay anything. All these creditors are just arguing over the crumbs of what's left. They won't see 1/20th of what they are seeking.
You have to have something worth showing to have a press conference at E3 is pretty much the bottom line. With many people pulling Wii U support, Nintendo has nothing to show.
@ewjiml @Syrlink @colt_a Clearly you know nothing about business and how shareholders work. Its worthless talking to you. Go educate yourself on how the world of business works and come back.
colt_a's comments