Hey look, was excited for this game, was going to buy it tomorrow....now I will refuse to pay a dime for this game. Its not like I'm cheap, my steam account is worth several thousand dollars.
Always online DRM = I'm looking for a pirated copy. I don't want your servers telling me when I can play a single player game.
@Suikogaiden Except that it is, people have made MILLIONS off of eSports and their sponsers, and its not even main stream. For being good at video games while 18-25ish, you can have enough money to set you up the rest of your life without having to work if you wanted to.
I'd call that success. I'd also call that a real sport. Our national sports work much the same way (get rich, retire young with lots of money). Just because you are jealous or don't like eSports doesn't validate your point at all.
@RAD_RADIO They should give her a blog and make sure she doesn't write anything that could be mistaken for actual gaming news (aka, keep it off the front page)
If the Xbox doesn't allow used games and the PS4 does. PS4 has already won the next gen console wars. The 6 billion dollar industry of used games proves it.
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