@badATchaos Kind of, but its worse for console gamers. I get my games 50-85% off quite often via Steam. They pay inflated rates even for 2-3 month used games. Borderlands 2 was 20 bucks during this holiday sale on Steam. It never dropped below 37 here at gamestop.
I have only ever paid for XBL Gold for Halo, much like the author of the article. But I refuse to pay anymore, even if its Xbox exclusive, I'll just not buy games that I need XBL to play online.
Its too much when you factor in what they give you for it (full access to the game, which every other platform already gives).
@Damnation_6 hate to say it, but that game had a divided base, divided amongst two games as well. Now huge backlash for one of them. People will flock to the Day Z standalone if he announces it soon.
@Gelugon_baat @s_h_a_d_o It happens all the time. If someone keys in a date to publish it wrong, boom. Its not like they put everyone in there by hand. Steam has 1000s of games.
@wcwj26 @foxfacer2d2 The Wii U wasn't sold out. I was litterally (and still am) able to go into 3 different stores in a 5 mile radius and get one RIGHT NOW.
That's just Nintendo's excuse for why the previous generation of console is massively outselling its 'new hotness'. They don't want to admit the system is cumbersome and not as innovative as they think.
I would much rather wait a few months for a well made PC version than a crappy console port the same day they get it. So many PC games are bad ports these days, that real PC gamers appreciate the time that companies put in to make it control better on the PC, rather than a crap ports of late (AC3, Dark Souls, etc)
@rayzter1 Zynga won't even be close to going under. You have no clue what you are talking about. Zynga is laying people off to maximize profits. So what if you have to screw over a few hundred families and bring them hardship? As long as the people at the top get their big 6-7 figure bonuses. That's what's important.
Incoming jealous fans from DotA 2 and HoN trying to make a case for why their game is better. (Meanwhile, sponsors dropping their teams and starting LoL teams)
colt_a's comments