If its in keeping with the trend of past Square policy I expect they will cancel all Final Fantasy games and instead develop Facebook dating sims using FFXIII characters or something even more offensive if they can think of it. Angry Kefkas maybe, but thats probably too creative for Square.
I have pretty much stopped caring at all about Square since the "Square" team that I like is now called "Mistwalker". Unless Sakaguchi and Uematsu come back I'm probably not interested, though I'm glad Wada is on his way out.
@somberfox I agree, FF8 was so lame, it goes often unnoted and unremarked about, but it was the real beginning of the series' downward slide. When 9 came out I thought everything was good again, little did I know that it was in reality a beautifully written farewell letter.
@EKGProd @buccomatic goddamit, you know too much about all of our secret plans, now I have to call Sideshow Bob, Mr Burns and Dracula and come up with different ones. Thanks a lot, jerk.
@thekingofirony I posted about this above, but I've only seen WoW mentioned specifically, I've seen people speculate about CoD but not from any eyewitnesses. Watch the Frontline program about Sandy Hook, only WoW gets mentioned.
Out of all the info I've found about Adam Laniyan, the only game that I've seen specifically mentioned that he played by people that actually saw him play it, was WoW. WoW, thats their "violent online video game". Im sure everyone is imagining he was into CoD, but is there any evidence of that? Its pure speculation, its what the news media wants to be true because it would make them so horny.
I love the WItcher and I love Skyrim, I'm stoked that CDProjektRed has been influenced by Skyrim but I don't see why the Witcher 3 has to be set IN Skyrim. I'm freaking tired of wandering around in snow here, cold is becoming the new brown.
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