@Shango4 Let's not get all misty eyed about Sony yet. Backwards compatability lasted like 2 seconds on the PS3 until they removed it, and we don't yet know for SURE they won't try some crap like this. Microsoft could also claim that used games are just fine. These huge companies enjoy spinning stuff they do to pad their wallets and hose customers as great features.
@andon13 Two wrongs don't make a right. DLC and online pass is bullcrap, and so is this new used disk fee. If I sell my bike the new owner doesn't pay the manufacturer a fee so he gets something. The developer got compensated for the game when it was sold. Beyond that it's over for them. Don't justify any of these greedy money grabs.
@danabo @mikmck2006 My concern is they come back later and say "okay we're dropping the used game fee to $5!" or some crap as if we should all be GRATEFUL it isn't the MSRP. There should be NO fee period.
@VeredusMaximus There is a subtle difference. It may require an initial activation check but not need to be hooked up thereafter. Still, I agree that's pretty vague.
@SirWizAlot If they come out now and say "we're taking a customer friendly approach, no network fees, no used game fees, no always on DRM" they will steal a ton of XBox 360 loyalists.
cryofax's comments