Western game devs are stagnating as well. So I don't see what the Japanese are going to "learn" from us except to make the same clone shooters over and over. The gaming future belongs to the small nimble indies who aren't locked into 200 million dollar budgets which demand deadlines and adhering to "what sells". That's why the mainstream game industry is paralyzed with fear over trying new things and churns out crap.
@foxrock66 @cryofax @zoeyleft Ah okay. I guess I was counting Metal Gear Rising. Just going by MGS4 I found it less engaging than the other 3. Good game though.
@SSJ4Goku2 I agree that the PS3 does much better when the programmers are more familiar with the hardware and aren't doing a lazy port. I would assume the MGS guys are quite adept at PS3 programming. My point was simply because the game will be made available for the 360 is no reason to think it has to be gimped for the PS3.
Even if the Xbox is slightly less powerful (not evidenced by games on both systems which actually run better on XBox, but by programmers who are good at PS3 coding) the Xbox port can still be slightly less good looking. It's just a matter of dialing down the settings to a level a console can handle. That doesn't mean they have to drag down the PS3 to match it.
I have a PC, which blows both the PS3 and XBox away in terms of how games look and play, but they can still be run on the consoles by simply dialing back the details.
@Kiyosuyo @cryofax @mr_cix3 lol you're the one whose blind. Like I said, I own both systems and enjoy them both. But to think there is a game that could be written for the PS3 that somehow wouldn't run on the XBox360 is silly. There are strengths and weaknesses of both systems, I'm well aware of their specs, and there isn't any software that wouldn't be portable to either system. There is no way somehow this game is "worse" because it will also be for the 360. That's just incorrect.
Actually I'll tell you what could make a difference is the Bluray drive on the PS3. If content is lessened due to Xbox's smaller capacity drive. But they'll probably release it on multiple DVDs for XBox.
@mr_cix3 That makes no sense. The consoles can both run the same software nearly identically. If anything XBox360 stuff runs better. I own both consoles and a ton of games on both so I'm not just blowing smoke like some fanboy.
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