@grove12345 My PC specs already are better than the PS4 announced specs. Besides the console release cycle is now more like 4 years, not 8. I guarantee you any PC matching XBox 360 specs (which means it came out around or maybe even before the 360) can run the same game better. Games ARE optimized for PC, so if this new box is a PC, then it will be fine.
The main reason we're seeing this is Microsoft's powergrab with Windows 8. They're trying to lay the foundation for phasing out the open desktop in favor of a walled garden (like Apple) to control app distribution and grab 30% of every sale. That would cut Steam off at he knees. So they need to work on their own platform outside of Microsoft so they can make their OWN greedy powergrab.
@Bl4KD37H @cryofax @fredyellowone Nope, happy because I know how to use "you're" properly in s sentence and thus don't look like a complete tool. Seriously though, someday when you pay your own bills and move out from your parents house you'll figure out the value of money. Until then, RROD away!
@thequickshooter @cryofax It's true I miss out for a couple years, but I save a lot of money and don't have to deal with the issues that initial console releases always seem to have. I still get to play the games, just not as soon (initially anyway), but when I get one it's cheaper and all those games released for the first couple years are like $20 "classic" editions. The only advantage to buying it on release is getting the games sooner, but if you've set up your timetable to be shifted later anyway you're still busy in that time. Between my consoles and PC there is more gaming than I could possibly do in 3 lifetimes as it is lol.
@Saketume @cryofax Well take the 360 for example. By the time you go from the initial model to the slim, the size of the CPU and GPU die size have shrunk considerable, the design has improved, so you end up with a more reliable console that runs cooler AND quieter (as a geek who takes this stuff apart and plays with it I can vouch for that lol). Same with the PS3. Smaller, cooler, quieter. They did remove the BC on the PS3 though which really sucked I agree.
@bledsoe45sbc @raweewat Actually every console game I've ever purchased for my PC, including all the recent ones like Borderlands 2, GTA 4, Left for Dead 2, Dead Space etc all have options that make the PC version look MUCH better than the console versions.
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