I'd never buy a console at launch. There are always improved versions of the hardware within a year or two, the software library is bigger, and the price comes down.
@Hellknite190 I'm not sure why anybody preorders anything. Preorder DLC is useless (and half the time gimps the game) and I've never had an issue with availability.
I've played every Halo game on my XBox 360. They're decent but the PC isn't missing anything too special. There are plenty of better FPS games for the PC.
@mundus @gamefreak215jd @LukeWesty Good point about the older games. That's something the PC has that consoles don't TRUE backwards compatability. Some of the older PC games even from the early 90's are still outstanding and you can run them on your current PC. In fact many of them are now free to play.
@slainta @failboater The difference is huge. Stop deluding yourself. If I run my PC output to my TV the difference between the quality of it vs a console is massive. And at a higher framerate. BTW Mouse and Keyboard feel much more natural than a gamepad for a lot of games, while I prefer gamepad for sports/platforming on my consoles.
@Karjah Yeah I have a high end PC but also all the consoles. Some games are just suited to different platforms. I prefer my PC usually, but I have to have my NCAA football fix, Dance Central for the kids, etc. I don't get the fanboyism from people.I didn't make the consoles nor do I profit from them. What do I care what somebody else has? Personally I'm also very excited about the rise of Android as a major player. I work as a game dev for an indie company and more options are great! :)
@Rat_King Different. Only time will tell if it's correct or "better". I'll be very curious what kind of PC-game compatible device they come up with that can compete with a real PC in the same price range.
@Rat_King We're arguing something that hasn't been released so we're both making certain logical assumptions or at least theorizing. Steam on a normal PC isn't the same as Steam on its own box. One is an open platform that can accomodate a wide variety of hardware, the other is a walled garden trying to introduce one set piece of hardware. They are not the same thing nor is a Steambox the same thing as regular PC gaming. They've already said it's going to be a controlled environment. Doesn't sound like a PC to me.
cryofax's comments