@juboner I thought Rage was pretty good, but it was only HALF A GAME. There should have been a huge boss fight or something. It just ends on a terrible flat note. Pull this switch and the game is over.
I really hope this is a non-space marine Quake 1 type game. I think the original Quake is the best shooter of all time. Or I'd like to see a non-superpower version of Wolfenstein. Something really dark and gritty like an FPS WWII Max Payne.
This looks perfect. Like the RE game I have been waiting years for. But it looks like they turned off the hit specific damage from the other demos. That was a really nice touch, I wonder why they did this. I hope it is just for the sake of this being a video.
After playing the E3 demo I was very disappointed, but seeing this video, I am very pleased. I guess I am the only one here that likes the melting zombie effects. I can't wait to play this and see what puzzle elements are they are talking about. I hope here are cranks. It is nice to see they are actually listening to our feedback.
I just played a little UMVC3 last night and I don't like it. This game Origins has all the fighters people actually waned to play as and the majority of fan favorites were overlooked in UMVC3, for troll characters added to this game like Ameratsu and Viewiful Joe. I wish they would have made a reboot for this with updated MVC3 graphics with the same fighters and same gameplay. Gameplay that is not spam-based and air combo focused. I really hate the launch button mechanic of UMVC3 and the fights boil down to who can pull an air combo off first wins.
I have 275+ hours logged playing Skyrim and I think this DLC was well worth the $20. But $20 really isn't that much money to me. There sure are portions of this DLC that were meh/ a chore to slug through and the werewolf/ vampires powers are really underwhelming, but I really enjoyed the story, the new weapons, and the new enemies. The new weapons are badass. I absolutely love my new Dragonbone Greatsword. There are some really fantastic moments in this too. There is one part that is one of the coolest things I have seen since like seeing the Sun-Zero's fatality on the original Mortal Kombat. It was that cool!
Unfortunately I experienced many glitches and crashes, but I have spent probably about 50 hours just doing the DLC related stuff (twice from both sides.) This is more time than I spend playing most games that are $60. This game and DLC is by no means garbage. Skyrim is one of the most critically acclaimed games ever and when a game is this large, with this much stuff to do, there are bound to be a little rough edges.
The bottom line is you either love it or (apparently) hate it, but am glad they made more content for Skyrim. If hey make 10 more so-so, 7.0 scored DLC packs, for $20 each, I will be overjoyed to give them my money and keep enjoying this fantastic game.
cynicalundead's comments