You are making a lot of assumptions here mate. The allowance for publishers to do that is within the control of the console maker. If Sony decide not to go that route publishers could always exercise their right to exclude the Sony machine from their titles but that's not going to happen.
You're attempting to impose the Microsoft accepted model of allowing publisher discretion on fees or restrictions on trading on another console with NO verification of your theory.
In other words you are talking out of your rear bud.
@Guts5 @dsweetz Wow Mr Guts5 - u are talking absolute crap.
Owning a game and sharing it like people have been isn't the same thing as piracy which you are describing in your rant. When people "lend" a game they expect it back bud. They paid for it so they aren't just giving it to their friend to keep unless its a gift (re-gifting = lame).
Given the amount of reliance on cloud based graphics assist you can pretty much assume your downstream data compared with Xbox 360 will be triple or quadruple the amount. You'd be using larger amounts of downstream data just to play a single player game while connected to live whereas normally its online multiplayer games that required more data.
Another point is bandwidth. You can have 300,000 servers (virtual or not) and it won't make a difference to the reduced bandwidth many Xbox One owners will have around the globe. Those on reduced bandwidth will be pretty screwed on this matter in terms of performance of graphics laden games reliant on cloud assist.
Lastly if you decide to crank up a game completely offline - its going to look pretty crap by comparison because it will be missing a large portion of the performance and graphics enhancing cloud assist.
So I don't see this as a benefit for people who are on lower data plans. Most teenagers who game don't get a say in the family data allowance and they will be gouging the families data every time they use this. Microsoft is currently making far too many incorrect assumptions about where the world is at in relation to bandwidth to be making a console so reliant on the cloud for graphics assistance.
Kinect 2.0 is a game changer? It sucks that you have to have that thing connected to the console permanently. Certainly a change from previous console... change for the worse.
damo320's comments