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danfan13 Blog

So TV.com still exists.

I'm not sure why I thought to come here and post a blog after so long, but oh well. Although it occurred to me just a minute ago that my 4 year anniversary of this account was two weeks ago, so I guess it was a good time. I don't think any of the people I used to chat with here are still around, but I hope you're all doing well. ^^

Anyway, the TV.com layout looks the same as when I left. (And thankfully, too. After the mess it went through I thought it'd be completely different by this point.) I'm sure the forums are the same as well, but if that's the case I won't be checking that out for myself. And the glitches, too... I hate how I still need to log on to Gamepsot to post a blog.

And... well, I guess I don't have much else to say. School has started for me, so I've been busy with that and various other things. I've stopped making DP videos ages ago, but I have AMVs on YouTube under the name GhostlyMuffin. (Can you guess which old series inspired that username? :P I'm not into DP anymore, but I thought I'd refer to my... video-making roots, I guess.) I doubt that I'll be checking back here anymore, so if anyone is still around, drop me a line at YouTube!

...And that's officially the end of this blog post. Adios!

How time flies...

I can't believe I've been here for three years already. Back in September 2005 was when I made my account on TV.com, which was originally made for chatting on the Danny Phantom forum. While I'm not obsessed with DP like I used to be, I still check back every once in a while, even if it's for the entirely new purpose of talking about anime (and, once in a blue moon, blogging). I knew that I had a strange connection with this site, but I never would have guessed that I'd stay here so long. I still remember talking with a bunch of people who haven't logged on in months, or even a year.

So here's to TV.com, and the fact that I managed to stick around for this long. :) *passes around some cake*

"What a crazy random happenstance."

I felt like posting a blog, so I thought I'd talk about one of my new favorite series, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.It's a 42-minute movie about the aspiring villain, Dr. Horrible; his nemesis, Captain Hammer; and Penny, the girl from the laundromat who Dr. Horrible has a crush on. It has a sweet romantic side to it, but for the most part it's just really hilarious. I laughed several times while watching it, and I still laugh even after watching it more than once. If you haven't seen it, go here and watch it. It's 42 minutes of your life well spent, and if you don't enjoy it then I'll give you a cupcake to make up for it. But hopefully I'll be saving my cupcakes.

And while I'm actually posting a blog for once, I'll take the time to say that I hope everyone is having an awesome summer. ^_^

I've Been Tagged

I'm also back from the vicious grasp that is my school, which, along with my life in general, has kept me pretty busy since... *checks last blog* February. Whoa, it's been a while. So even though they still gave us summer work, we're free from waking up early and catching a bus to a building that keeps us in classrooms for several hours. Yay! :D

And like the title says, I've been tagged, thanks to teenage_fanatic. ^^ So without further ado, here are ten random facts about me.

1. The last movie I watched was Hancock.
2. I'm currently listening to "That's What You Get" by Paramore.
3. Japan is my current ideal travel destination. I love Japanese culture, and it'd be such an awesome experience.
4. The first manga I read was InuYasha, although I've only read the first four volumes. The first series I finished was Alice 19th.
5. I am currently procrastinating on something, which I do more often than I should. It's a bad habit of mine that I've been trying to break.
6. I am extremely ticklish. Anyone who knows me knows that being tickled is one of the best and easiest ways to torture me.
7. The only pets I've ever had were fish and hermit crabs when I was younger. My dad has an allergic reaction when he's around cats for too long, and my mom never wanted a dog.
8. The wall beside my bed is filled with an assortment of things, which include two posters, some clippings from newspaper comics, inspirational quotes, drawings from friends, pictures of some of my favorite anime characters, a calendar, a few postcards, and a sticker that says "Trust Snape".
9. I just watched an episode of Doctor Who before I came online.
10. I'm short. I suppose it's one of the reasons why I like Edward Elric - I can relate. :P My younger brother is taller than me as well. I'm hoping to gain at least an inch or two eventually so I can try and catch up a little bit.

So now I tag diamond07, redpoet2, katrish, PhantomFan, and aelita_fan_13. Sorry if anyone gets this late, as I haven't been on the TV.com forums in almost a year, and aside from people who post on blogs I'm not sure who's active.

And, end this blog on celebratory note, I hope you all had a Happy Fourth of July! I hope you enjoyed (or are enjoying, depending on your time zone) the fireworks and other good stuff. And to those of you who don't celebrate the holiday, I still hope your day was amazing. :)

New Year ^_^

Before you look at me like I'm crazy, I know it's not January 1 already. :P But I'm still off, because the Chinese New Year began yesterday. So Happy Chinese New Year, and welcome to the year of the rat. ^^

And... well, I actually don't have much to say. Life has been pretty normal around here. Nothing out of the ordinary or exciting, anyway. I almost feel like Haruhi Suzumiya, only without the need for aliens, time travelers, or espers. :P But that would be pretty cool. (Just out of curiosity, has anyone else here seen The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya?)

... I wish I had something that was actually interesting to put here. So I'll end my blog post with this instead.

Come on, isn't the kitten adorable?

*the kitten tears off the frog head and goes after Yuki*

...Okay, never mind then.

*whacks GameSpot with a baseball bat*

I've been wondering: has anyone else had trouble posting on the site? I was on one topic where I tried ten times to post something, but it kept telling me that I had an HTML error, where some tags weren't properly closed. The thing that's driving me crazy is that I've looked it over two or three times and still can't find anything wrong.

Does anyone know if there's another bug on the site?

Edit: *feels a bit stupid* I can't believe I forgot to put this on my blog before: Happy 2008! :D

I Am Not Yet Dead

I'm not dead!

Here, she says she's not dead!

Yes she is.

I feel happy!

...So yeah, even though it probably doesn't seem like it, I'm still alive. I've just been really busy with stuff, and when I do have free time I'm usually watching anime. I'm ever so slowly catching up with One Piece (and by slowly, I mean I have a ways to go, since there's over 300 episodes and they're still making more). But I'll get there, and at least I don't have to put up with reruns. ^^

In other news, my family finally got a DVR. :D I already set up a series recording for the three shows we watch weekly: Friday Night Lights, Reaper, and Heroes. (Later on I'll finish it off by adding Avatar, although my family won't be watching that.) And tonight I'm recording something on Nicktoons Network, because I saw an episode of Kablam on their schedule. (I thought I'd throw that out there for anyone who used to watch it back in the 90's, when Nick was actually a pretty good channel. Did anyone else watch Kablam? You know, with Henry and June, Action League Now, Life with Loopy, and the caveman and the alien whose names I forget.)

But moving away from TV-related things, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. (If you don't really celebrate it, I still hope your day was awesome.) I hope I wind up coming on again sometime, but if I don't post for a while again, at least you'll know why I'm not commenting on blogs and such. And it's not because I'm growing tired of people's blogs - it's that my life has more things in it now. (In other words, I actually have a social life now.:P)

Stay classy, TV.com! :)

Over Two Years and FMA

I was originally going to post a blog on my 2 year anniversary of being on TV.com, but I never got around to it. But this is more than 2 years, so I guess this is actually a better celebration. :P So here's to more than 2 years!

And like the title suggests, I'm here to go on about Fullmetal Alchemist, too. I had seen all of the episodes except for the last few until last weekend, so I finally got around to finishing the series, along with the movie, "The Conqueror of Shamballa". I loved it. :D It kept my interest and wouldn't let it go, and it even managed to make my eyes water at one part. It really was a great series. I enjoyed watching it, and now I want to find that OVA I heard about. (Or OVA's, since I don't know how many there are. I'll have to Google it so I can prolong my FMA experience. XD)

Now I have "Link" by L'Arc~en~Ciel stuck in my head. Whoever organized the FMA soundtrack has good taste. ^^


I felt like posting, and I wanted to push down that other blog. But I can't think of anything meaningful to talk about, so I'll say why I can't wait for 10pm to come because it's a happy subject.

The FUNimation dub of One Piece airs tonight! :D

You know, I feel lucky that I started watching One Piece shortly before 4Kids stopped dubbing it. Now I can actually watch a decent dub if I want to. Even though I'm not up to episode 144 yet, I'm going to watch some of the episode just to hear how much better the voices sound.

And for anyone who's never seen One Piece and doesn't really care about anything I just said, I have one question: Is anyone else having issues with posting? It took me several tries to post this blog because supposedly I had a "forbidden .html error". Not sure what that could be, since I don't see anything wrong with my post, but oh well. This place is glitchy sometimes.

Oh look, another goodbye blog.

Yeah, I probably won't be sticking around for much longer. Congrats to you if you saw this coming after what's been happening here. My reasons for leaving are pretty much shared with a lot of people, and since most of it has already been said I'll try to keep from rambling. I don't want to bore you all with a long blog about why I'm no longer interested in coming on TV.com.

To put it simply, this place is nothing like it used to be. The forum has so much unnecessary off-topic posts, and on top of the fact that my interest in Danny Phantom is diminishing, this site just isn't so much fun anymore. I've been here for almost two years, so I've seen TV.com and the forum go through some changes, and there have been times where I haven't been as active. But after having some fun times here, I never left completely. I don't think I'll be doing it quite yet, although I might as well, since so many of my friends have either left or are leaving soon. Since I haven't been so active, I'm not exactly known by any of the members who are sticking around; maybe a handful of them at the most. I figure that if my friends are leaving, why stick around and watch the forum fall even further into the hands of spammers and n00bs?

So yeah. If I stay, it'll most likely be just for commenting on blogs. I have hardly any desire to go on the forum anymore, and since it's been that way for a while now I can't see it changing anytime soon. I'm not trying to sound negative; I'm just being blunt. I'll probably stick around until most of my friends leave, but then I'll probably be a lot less active here.

I really don't want to lose contact with my friends, though, so if anyone here goes on LiveVideo you can find me as MidnightPhantom over there, and I'm LotisPhantom on Gaia. I'm also on other sites like FF.net, DPOF, and the BH forums, but I barely go to those places so I won't bother to list my other usernames.