Seems from what I have read the only real difference between versions is the price. However in Australia alot of retailers are doin each version at the same price so I am gonna go with PS3... it just feels better on that controller.
dblin's forum posts
The song on the opening mission of Sonic Adventure 2 on Dreamcast!!
" Runnin around at the speed of sound got places to go gotta FOLLOW MY RAINBOW!! "
System Wars has taught me that everything sucks. :(SolidSnake35
:lol: yeah
Both the ps3 and 360 have failed to create enough value in the minds of mainstream consumers in order to decide who is the victor this gen. Typically the console sales only pick up when the sub $200 mark is hit. This seems to be the buy point for most consumers and was the point that ps2 really started moving towards 100000000 territory.
I work for EB in oz and I wanna let you know that fanboyism in the retail environment is the worst. My manager constantly lies to customers in order to get them to puchase his console of preference - the 360. He tells the hardcore that FF and MGS will be EXCLUSIVE to the 360 and he will make up anything to the un-educated. He told one guy hat Sony payout 15% of their profits to Microsoft so the can use Microsofts development platforms??? WTF??? I own all 3 and love em all... so when someone asks me which should I get I ask them a whole rnge of questions and try to suit a console to their needs. People who want a new console shouldn't be dragged into these stupid wars.. I love to debate it that is why I post in SW but in the retail area it is just not on!!! He is making me not like 360 because I picture his head every time I play mine, I don't wanna hate any machine but it pisses me off when people use their expertise in the wrong way to people who generally want to get there money's worth.
Had to get that off my chest pswii60cast FTW!!!!!!!!!!
(BTW for those who think I should report him... EB couldn't give a flying f**k about the customers, the industry or anyone with an interest in gaming... all they want to do is turn games into cash at any cost, even if you have to lie!!!)
the ps3 aint doin too well in australia. the wii is killing it and the 360 is selling well. the attachment rate for software with the 360 is umbelievable though. eb sale was unreal this year aswell!!!! i no many people that have 360s or wiis and one guy that owns a ps3. no one can afford AU$1000 dollars. The exchange rate is AU$1 - US$0.84 why the hell is the ps3 so expensive? our games, no matter what console are $100 still grossly overprices. PAL region games continually get ripped off and talen advantage of. especially by sony
Especially by Sony? I believe that nintendo ae the worst offenders here, ds and wii are farr more grossly overpriced in australia when you break it down. As far as sales go for all 3 well the eb I work at has selling a steady stream of wii and ps3's... the only 360's we get are trade ins or people swapping broken ones. Of he last 18 360's that have passed through our registers only 2 were legitimate sales the rest were faulty replacements. That said 360 kicks ass, ps3 is awesome and wii is a barrell of fun... gaming FTW!!!
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