I think there's barely enough information to go on to know what this next game will be like for sure. It is more or less a sign that the game is coming along in development.
Acquiring Double Fine is a pretty smart move. Hopefully they still have some clever game ideas.
I do wonder what Japanese developer they're looking towards. Somehow I feel like Sega is the perfect fit here, since Microsoft and Nintendo are all on good terms with Sega, and Sega has long been a rival company of Sony. But imagine if they got Atlus or something.
@Barighm: Most JRPG publishers want to bring their games to Japanese consoles. Microsoft has tried working with Japanese development teams before, and it never works out.
@xavroche: I mean true, it takes work to make this possible. But there's got to be more to this game you know? There's got to be something. And I can understand if there's no way to print camera pictures like in the GBC game, but the absence of the extra dungeon and whatnot would be strange. It would be odd for Nintendo to take this opportunity to go back to Koholint Island and not add more to the game.
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