Nintendo has been losing money almost as fast as Sony lately. They sold a ton of hardware to grandmas who aren't videogame types with the Wii, but the problem is that grandma didn't buy software. The big edge the Wii U has is its early launch, but the rumor mill has them skimping on the console's guts because of the pricey controller. If the Wii U is not seen as considerably more powerful than the 360 and PS3, it could be a disaster for Nintendo.
I agree. Halo Wars is actually my favorite Halo game. Ensemble nailed RTS on console controls the same way Bungie nailed FPS on console years before. It sold 2 copies and one of them was returned when the dude found out it wasn't a shooter.
I have another that might seem like trolling, but really isn't"
Don't be ***holes.
The PS3 marketing has been built around tearing the other guy down instead of promoting what the system has to offer. Kevin Butler may appeal to the hardcore PS3 fanboys, but he doesn't appeal as much to those people who aren't loyalists. The ad campaigns turned me off and helped keep me from buying a PS3 for a long time. I finally bought one in spite of the ads. If I had less money, I would have just passed.
And that is tied to another problem, a chicken-v-egg type of problem. Are PS3 fanboys more obnoxious because of the advertising or did Sony craft the advertising to appeal to the most obnoxious fanboys? Let me be clear: I am NOT bashing people who like the PS3 or people who prefer it. I am talking about the extreme "my-console-is-perfect-and-there-is-nothing-good-about-yours" types. They exist on both sides, but the PS3 fringe is worse and more vocal. (It takes far less time to get a PS3 troll in a Halo article than a 360 troll in an Uncharted article.) Chicken or egg, it is bad for Sony. If the advertising is creating the rabid fanboys, then Sony is creating a social group that a lot of people don't want to feel a part of (and which undermines the maturity gap that gives PSN an edge over XBL). If Sony is trying to appeal to the worst of the worst, they are just preaching to the choir and flushing money away.
That doesn't mean that what I said is inaccurate. Solyndra was just the closest comparable example to the 38/RI situation. And yes, I am saying that Republicans are trying to turn Solyndra into a scandal while using it as a fishing expedition. I criticized the partisan attacks and corporate media, which is not inconsistent with what you are arguing.
If Chafee tried to help them, his political opponents would use it against him. Look at Solyndra. Obama invested in a clean energy company. It started failing. Obama tried to keep it from failing. It failed anyway. Since then, Republicans have held hearing after hearing after hearing trying to turn it into a scandal. Politics today are working against the common good more often than not. Unfortunately, so is the media.
I find it odd that Gamespot gave the game a ludicrously low score (compared to others and my personal experience) that probably contributed to its lower than needed sales, yet have almost gleefully covered the studio's demise. Did their check to Gamespot bounce, too?
EA never put a lot of effort into the Potter license, so there is hope that WBIE might succeed where they failed. They did give the project to a company with motion control experience.
As long as it doesn't have Voldemort in a Dance Central knock-off, it might be worth it for the younger set.
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