So the current generation is sufficient for interactive cutscenes is what he is saying. Maybe he should be a little more concerned about GIANT plot holes that ruin the vibe of what should have been a stellar experience than about what hardware generation we are in.
I think that perhaps we should wait until after E3 to write off the back half of 2012. This should still be a great year for games, unlike last year- aka the year of the ludicrously high review scores for trash games.
If those sticks are clickable, it would be a HUGE benefit to the Wii U. As it stands, It won't play many 360 or PS3 games because of the lack of L3 and R3 buttons. Gimmick or not, the Wii U controller MUST do everything that the competitions' controllers do or devs will find it too big a headache to develop for, ala the Wii.
It is going to have a hard enough time maintaining sales once Durango and Orbis hit and devs will ONCE AGAIN have to release a separate version of their games for the Nintendo console because it is so underpowered. (Even if N surprises us all and releases a more powerful Wii U with all the bells and whistles, it will still be waaay behind the curve in 1-2 years.)
You can expect a similar package if they are charging the same price. CLearly some cuts are required, but charging full price for only one of the modes is just wrong. Notch went from indie king to greedier-than-EA pretty quickly. (For more proof, check out the hideous $7 mobile version.)
TARP, i.e. the bailout happened under Bush, who wanted twice as much bailout money and the ability to use it however he wanted with no Congressional oversight. Obama used some of it for the auto industry (which paid it back early) instead of for banks, but it was a Bush legacy program.
Obama's big expenditure was the stimulus. The two are quite different. The stimulus put people to work and stopped the economic freefall that we were in. Too many people seem to think that the stimulus and bailout were one and the same.
They need to make sure they can get it right if they are going to add it. The browser on the PS3 is a bad joke.
The days of dedicated gaming consoles are ending. If MS can pull off a well-implemented IE 9 on the 360, then the days of separate devices for desktops and living rooms will be a step closer to over.
The market is always soft at the tail end of a cycle. And don't forget that we are still talking about a year and a half to two years from now when they actually hit the streets. They may be coming a little late given the soft market rather than too soon. And the existing consoles will still thrive during the "ealy adoption" phase of the next gen.
deathstream's comments