For a Wii U owner such as yourself, I thought you be all over this badass Zelda game by now. What a Damn fool I am to think you change your attitude on Nintendo.
I still got the original Wind Waker along with the Gamecube but however if you own a Wii U, this is a must buy and this zelda game took me 2 Months to beat due to Searching for the pieces of the Triforce in the stop-go manner and by constantly checking the compass was one of the most unnerving fun-depleting adventure-hampering moments in my gaming history.
I honestly don't think the average consumer knows anything about the Microsoft 180(s). This poster is for those of us with that one friend who reads half an article on the internet in the beginning, blows things out of proportion, and then never reads another word about it because he already knows all the facts.
This advertisement is saying, "No. Don't listen to that guy. He's wrong and we love you. We would never do that to you.
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