@DoctorsTardis I have not try it myself but I love my XL which gives me the option to use 3D or not but to me it looks ogly [hey that's my opinon] but at lease it's way cheaper.
@Bangerman15 I really don't understand as to why is everyone crying over an 8.0 and 8 is really a good score and as always if the persion knows the game is going to be fun then the score is not a consern.
@BradBurns @Shadowmax889 I'm surprise you never play Pokemon Gold/Silver since those were the true game changer and they push the Gameboy Color handheld to it's limits. X/Y has way more changes then you know, this is the first ever 3D pokemon, new type [since Gold/Silver] call Fairy to counter the Dragon types [read my comment below for more info.] Pokemon turn into Mega forms but this is a Digimon rip-off to say the lease, Pokemon Trainers are not Costomization, and well new Pokemon. This is a game changer to the 3DS and the Pokemon Series.
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