I still got Sleeping Dogs on PS+ and it was worth it but how about a new True Crimes please. Hey I'm all in for Sleeping Dogs 2 but True Crimes would be nice in next-gen.
After reading the review last week, You guys are taking this score 8.0 way to seriously, this is a good score so what if it was 8.5,9.0 whatever this review was somewhat okay but don't let the score bother you and if you know this is the game you want, then go get it. I never let the review score get to me, I read the review and go to another gamesite just to be sure this is the right game for me. Don't forget that Gamespot is not going to use this score system when the change of there site is coming soon and again 8.0 is a good score so get over it. [and dealwithit lol]
I'm confused... aren't we all waiting for Half-life 2: Episode 3? Since when did Half-Life 3 enter the picture? I thought this when everyone was talking about it in the 3 steam announcements thread too.
I don't know if these guys are really understanding why people were calling it the XBone. It was because many people thought that M$ was trying to **** people over, it's not meant as a term of endearment or anything.
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