Exclusive games. Exclusive apps. Unrivaled stability. Unmatched 1st, 2nd and 3rd party support. Uncontested billion-dollar after-market accessory industry catered to Apple. Astounding online community. Seamless multi-class inter-device connectivity.
80% of iOS owners are on iOS5. 7.1% of Android owners are on Android 4.0 (which makes it safe to assume only 7 percent of Android owners are actually power-users with technical expertise, as opposed to the millions of lower-class folk saving money by buying a $20-$50 Android brick). REAL Impressive numbers there, Google :roll:
Unification > Fragmentation (as made apparent with previous updated-user percentile).
"No FLASH!" - 2007. 2012: Flash is being phased out.
"No functionality!" - 2007. 2012: The best function-providing apps are either made for iOS first and released on Android a year or two later, or completely iOS exclusive.
"No physical keyboard or buttons!" - 2007. 2012: Only few lower-end or half-baked devices stubbornly cling to physical keyboards.
Apple won already... They won about five years ago. When will people realize that iOS and the iPhone has accomplished in the mobile space what only Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony could lustfully dream of? Never. Because people are too busy playing with their UI's instead of enjoying actual substance.
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