Weak politicians that are wasting tax money and letting lobbyists control the laws are the real problem. For decades now the USA has been falling apart and the government has let it happen, now parents have to work most of their lives just to make ends meet. Kids aren't getting the proper attention that they deserve and it's producing young hateful people. Is violent games helping, no. But that's just one of many problems and it's not the biggest one, capitalism and the corruption throughout it is the biggest problem. But politicians don't want to touch that because the rich like it just the way it is.
I agree with all the points that Tom Mc Shea covered and I am for an enforced ratings system. Games like God of War were never intended for kids and if companies are selling them to kids then nail them. Violence is a part of humanity just like love is also a part of us. People are still animals, even if we have much better brains. So much of what we do is fuelled by our raw emotions that often over power our logic, no wonder violent games thrill us. Games engage our "lust for the kill" instinces, that are a part of us still no matter how civilized we claim to be. Sure some of us are less likely to enjoy violent games because everyone is sum what different, but the "eat or be eatten" instincts are in everyone. I find that the politicians through there unethical conduct are just hypocritical in there grandstanding remarks about gaming. There actions or inaction has created a cultural toxin that is much more likely to cause people to snap and go on a killing spree. These corrupt politicians are not ethically suitable to tell anyone what to do.
I just bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" 16GB Android 4.0 Tablet for $300 at Best Buy, it will probably do nearly as much as the ipad and cost $500 less. Besides buisness people needing something like this I can't see why others would need it, at these prices just get a apple laptop if apple is your perfered brand. The extra price for memory is BS, I went to buy an SD card and the 4GB card is the same size as the 32GB card. The stuff inside of these cards can't possibly cost that much more, were just being ripped off. Sony and there vita memory cards is also a good example, so is an extra 112GB worth $500?
The US is going to ban violent games so China decides to lift it's ban on consoles. It 's kinda funny, if China see's the US doing something they do the opposite. It's probably on purpose to thumb their nose at the US. Microsoft isn't even on the Tokyo stock market! Don't the Japanese have Windows OS? If not then what OS are they mostly using? That explains why the Xbox is doing so poorly in Japan.
The politicians are grasping at straws, they can't get anything done so they put on these shows to fool people into thinking that their doing something about the problem. They think the gaming industry is an easier target then the NRA and the Media, easier to take on a bunch of kids in their minds.
Politicians are more to blame for the real world circustances that make people go on killing rampages then any game. This scum bag should be the one to shut up.
@Samparksh In say 20 years when your talking with your friends about gaming on the PS2 then you will feel what guys like myself that are 38 are feeling. Gaming when your 7 or 8 is almost like a spiritual event, everything is new and exciting. When you get older things just don't seem as exciting, bin there done that sums it up. Have fun and play hard. ^o^
When I heard the news on monday I did mentally say wasen't Atari toast already? Ya there was some nostalgia for a few minutes, like many others Atari was my first glimps at gaming and it was cool. Although I had few games for it and the graphics were poor, for me there is a warm spot in my heart when I think back to the Atari and Nintendo NES days of my youth. Back then the world seemed like a safe and wonderful place, I miss those days very much. This feeling is whats missing in the gaming industry now, back then games were play. Now I play to escape the real world for a few hours, just like an alcohalic would.
What's ironic is if they had a statue of a zombie girl in a bikini that had all it's limbs and head it probably would of sold really well and wouldn't of had such a backlash.
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