dlp21's forum posts
DeeJay, I don't know what countries you are talking about, but if you look at First world countries, America is as far as I can think, the only counrty that hasn't banned guns.
Now you can say what you want about banning guns altogether, thats a whole other argument, but comparing a first world country to a third world country isn't fair, the geo-politcal and localization of a religion in an area plays a huge role in the amount of gun violence a country my see.
I am mostly in agreement with you, but show me where I can buy an AK for $300. An AR-15 costs $1,000 to $1,500.
Now this isn't exactly 300 but that is what i was able to find in a matter of 30 seconds. 475 and prolly about 10 dollars for the ffl to accept the delivery. Also while I haven't shopped for one in a while I know that my local gun shop had a multitude of AK's(used) for 300 and even less. Were they all in perfect shape no, but they worked. I know prices have gone up somewhat recently due to Obama being elected(I voted for him because I don't believe that gun control is that big of an issue to vote one way or another) but the point is that you can in fact fine comparable prices. And you can get an AR for less then a grand if you know where to look.
I can understand that people want handguns to defend themselves.
I can understand that people want rifles for hunting.
What the hell is the point of having an asult rifle?
What is the point of videogames, for entertainment and in some instances sport.
Believe it or not assault rifles are used in sporting competitions, many of which I participate in, second of all I find shooting assault rifles entertaining. Third I use my civilian AR-15 to practice shooting, I have the exact setup that my military rifle has with the exception of full auto, this allows me to improve my shooting so that while I am overseas, I am able to perform my job more proficiently.
What the hell is the point of having a ban on assault rifles as they account for less then 1 percent of all gun violence!!!!
[QUOTE="dlp21"]Could it be because they are more expensive? Harder to conceal? Hard to get? harder to shoot?That and assault rifles account for less then 1% of all gun related attacks!!!!! There is no speculation in that. There are no assumptions in that, that is a fact. Handguns are way more deadly then assault rifles, despite the potential for an assault rifle to be used as a more effective killing weapon.
If you go to a country were it is easier to obtain an assault rifle, and where you are easily trained, you might find that the statistics no longer agree with you.
I can buy an AK-47 for like 300 dollars, so more expensive, not really.
Harder to obtain, depends on your state, but usually a state that it is hard to get an assault rifle in is usually a state that it is hard to get a pistol in as well.
Also comparing the US to other countries makes no sense. What is the point you are trying to make. The point is that in the US, where they are trying to ban assault rifles, it is pointless to do so as the fact remains that less then 1 percent of all gun attacks are performed with assault weapons, the majority are pistol, so the point is that if the lawmakers really wanted to curb gun violence they would ban pistols, not assault weapons.
The reason that Assault Rifles get banned is because they look menacing
I think a ban on assault rifles is a very good idea. Though it's not going to stop crime rates, at least we can stop potentially crazy people from acquiring such dangerous weapons so easily.
Personally, I think the only people who should legally be allowed to own guns are those working for the military and those with a registered hunting license. Getting a hunting license would essentially be made very difficult in order to make sure the only people acquiring the license actually want to hunt for sport/food. Sure, some people will argue that it's their constitutional right to posess a weapon, but today, there are only a handful of people who actually use a weapon for self-defense and don't belong to any military/police organization, and tight regulation of weapons would keep most criminals from getting hands on cheap weapons.
I am sorry but you are wrong.
First of all, let's talk about crazy people...let's look at columbine and VT massacre(the largest massacre in US history), in the former there was 1 weapon that was a rifle carbine and may or may not be banned under the assault weapons ban, in the latter all that was used was pistols. Point is that crazy people don't use Assault weapons in massacres, in short range situations a hand gun is significantly more deadly due to the yaw of bullets at certain velocities.
Next the Supreme Court ruled recently that every American has the right to bear arms, they ruled that it is not a right bestowed on militias or the state but rather an individual right, so what you think doesn't matter.
Next gun control won't work, why, well one, there are more guns in America then people, you would first have to collect all of those, then you need to stop the influx of illegal weapons through the ports and Mexico, and probablly even Canada, and all Gun Control does is hurt the people who follow the laws. Criminals don't care what law xxxx says about concealing a handgun because they are criminals.
And I want my guns so the day they censor videogames I can walk on DC.
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