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#1 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

Yes, you would still have to pay the sales tax on the used games at Gamestop. It goes into how Gamestop does it's buisness.

The problem with the fair tax is that

A) it's a tax on consumption(the largest driving factor in the economy)

b) A tax on the middle class

c) It would have to be higher then 23% to make the amount of money the gov't needs to run

d) you still also have to pay state sales tax

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#2 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
Hell yea....spots on the banana peel means that the banana is ripe, a yellow banana is not ripe. And the gooey brown spots inside are like pure sugar..they are awesome, a lot of people don't like the texture though.
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#3 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

Actually to get your CHL(conclealed handgun license) you have to going to training classes.


That is state dependent. However I do agree in America's right to bear arms. Unfourtantly we are not an Island (UK and Australia). We have two of the largest borders and the majority of them are unprotected. It is to easy to move illeagal item across the USMexico border and thus makes it impossible to make a ban on all handguns. It would also be extremely unfair to hunters, and gun owners in general. In fact the US relies heavily on hunters to control populations of certain animals. Also there is no way in hell I would hand over my hand gun with no retribution.

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#4 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

It makes sense. I don't support welfare, and believe in huge welfare reform. That money can be used elsewhere, however with the economy relying on 70% consumption(middle class) vs 30% investment(upper class), it only makes sense to give tax cuts to those who spend the money. The upper class will still be able to afford to invest(and will still invest as this ensures capital preservation), and by pumping money into the economy from consumption, you create demand, higher dividend yields, more jobs do to higher demand with a net effect of the economy growing and becoming stabalized. This also has the net effect of recovering the massive amounts investments that have been loss due to the down turned economy(good for the upper class....and all the middle class people who are about to retire).

Also consider that Alan Greenspan had his heart broke(he believed that the economy could fix everything if it is let alone). He has now come back and said he did not realize how terrible the self-interest of banks(read upper-class) was. It is this self interest that is one of the main causes that we are in this economic down turn.

Capitalism is the greatest economic policy a country can have...however...left unchecked the greed of men will destroy everything below them and eventually themselves. As much as I am for smaller gov't, capitlism can not go unchecked. There must be checks and balances and it must be left up to the gov't to create these checks and balances.

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#5 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

1) You can't get married without the States permission...based on this marriage is no longer a religous thing

2) Marriage is used as a tool to obtain better tax benifits, health care, POA in emergencies, etc

3) Marriage is not used to have kids, kids are born to single moms all the time, and many marriages result in no kids

4) America was not founded on Christian principles and they should NOT be the de facto standard that we use to judge what is right and wrong in America

5) Gay couples can already adopt, so getting married will actually allow them to provide better for the child

6) With a 50% divorce rate, domestic violence, single moms, etc, Marriage can no longer be considered this great institute that is infallable

7) If religion wants marriage back then it needs to convince the State that there should be absolutley no benifits that come with being married.

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#6 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

1) The USofA is not founded on Christian Morales or Principles.

2) The President has no way of influencing the Pro-Life/Choice debate

3) The Supreme Court which does influence whether Roe v. Wade is overturned has basically said it won't relook at the case and every state that has tried to come up with some sort of law that is Pro-Life has been overturned.

4) Morale issues should be a non-issue at this point in America with a Failing Economy, Education System, and the reliance on Middle Eastern countries for our oil, and Rapid Global Climate Change.

5) Countries that have laws against abortion have a tendancy to have the same abortion rate that America has. Becuase making them illeagal doesn't make them stop. In fact it eliminates things like clean sterile enviorments, and sometimes fail causing physically and mentally deformed children.

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#7 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
The first thing you need to try and do is consolidate your credit cards onto a no/low interest credit card. Next you need to call the credit card companies and explain that you have fallen onto some tough times and I guarantee that they will be more then willing to work with you. The problem with turning your account over to a collection agency for CC comapanies is they no longer get to collect interest against your debt....so they are losing money and most of the time try to keep your debt in house as long as you are a resonable person to deal with.
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#8 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
I do some serious overclocking, my last rig had a near 20 percent increase in performance.
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#9 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
I was there, and there is no conspiracy...so OTOP can move to Canada.
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#10 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

It has been about 3 1/2 years since my last build so I am reading up on all the tech that is out and tech that is on the horizon to make a new beast of a machine, but I have a few questions:

1) I have 4 74GB WD Raptor drives and I think one has corrupt sectors as my OS continues to corrupt (I have them in Raid 0), I was wondering what software I can use to diagnose the HDD.

2) In my next build I would like to use an actual Raid controller instead of the on board Raid, can anyone recommend one?

3) Has anyone any experience with the Silverstone TJ09 and a water cooling setup?

That is all for now. Thank you for your help

Oh and if anyone has a better recomendation for a case let me know, but I don't want something with LED's or is smaller then a full.