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#1 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

i didn't even know they were legal in the first place TBHHeydanbud92

They weren't for the longest time, then the bradley law expired, then they were legal again.

It is true, a ban on Assault Rigles would not be unconstitutional, but still the point is this solves nothing.  That is the point that needs to be made.

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#2 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts


Just because an assault rifle can be used for self-defense, collecting, or for "fun" doesn't mean that the right to own them cannot be infringed. Guns aren't the only form of weapon that is regulated. What about all the knifes that are illegal in America? Illegal knifes can be used for self-defense, fishing, and collecting, but they are more hazardous to the general population than an average knife would be. The same way an assault rifle is more hazardous to the general population than a hunting rifle or a hand gun might be.


No sir. A hand gun, in many ways, be more dangerous than an assault rifle simply for reasons of concealment or easy handling. They both have the same outcome. What would make this wrong would be to go and take away assault rifles from many people that don't use them to kill people that have invested thousands of dollars into a hobby for the reasons that I provided.

You're right; they both have the same outcome. I believe in the saying that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." It is regrettably an undeniable fact.

But with that being said, an assault weapon has the ability to produce a much higher number of casualties than any hand gun could. Because that is what an assault weapon is made to do, kill. You can speculate that because a hand gun is more dangerous, because it can be concealed or that it is easier to use; but that's all it is, speculation. There are concrete facts that suggests that an assault rifle is more deadly to a general population than a hand gun. The only way to argue that a hand gun is more dangerous is through the use of speculation and assumptions.

That and assault rifles account for less then 1% of all gun related attacks!!!!!  There is no speculation in that.  There are no assumptions in that, that is a fact.  Handguns are way more deadly then assault rifles, despite the potential for an assault rifle to be used as a more effective killing weapon.

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#3 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

Our forefathers were not stupid people, they new of advancment in Arms technology and understood the point of having the second amendment, which is for the people to have the ability to over run the government should it ever divert from the course that was laid before it. 

Like I said, banning assault rifles accomplishes nothing besides hurting law abiding citizens, and corporations who develop weapon systems.  I should actually be up in arms over the fact that the President and Congress are going to waste tax payer money and time getting this bill signed into law.  

Let's talk bout issues far more important then friggin' gun control, like Energy independence, fuel efficiency, enviorment protection, the economy, etc

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#4 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

what can an assault rifle be used for?

Competitions first of all considering I shoot in them all the time.

Second of all proficiency, as a member of the military it is important I get time behind assault rifles, unfourtantly there is a shortage of land an ammo in the military and we simply don't get enough time at the range.

Third, umm because banning them accomplishes nothing beside angering law abiding citizens.  

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#5 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
Transactions over, I would just slowly walk out after I browesed the used games section for some hard to find items, oh they don't have them just 300 copies of Madden 07.
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#6 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
Banning assault rifles makes no sense. First of all it doesnt do anything about all the assault rifles that have already been sold. Second assault rifles are no where near the weapon of choice for use against fellow humans in civilian conflict. that honor goes to the pistol. As an avid shooter of both military and civilian weapon systems, I dont need, nor want the govt interfering with things I do for fun or telling me what I can and cant own. I mean let's put bubble wrap around hammers because they can be used as a weapon.
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#7 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
Def Pixar's best
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#8 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts

[QUOTE="siinn"]I know that i didnt worry about legs either but apparently if you do leg exercises it builds up more testosterone and will help you get bigger aswellsexy_fool69


It's true, pick up a Men's Health/Fitness and you would know this.

To the OP, that is a terrible workout schedule.

Your workout schedule should be something like

Day1: Back and Bi's and Abs
Day2: Chest and Tri's
Day3:Shoulders and Legs
Day4:Rest and Abs
Day5:Back and Bi's
Day6:Chest and Tri's and abs
Day7:Shoulder and Legs
Day8:Rest and Abs

Rinse and Repeat. Now depending on what your overall goals are you need to add or subtract cardio, supersets, dropsets, and determine what volume and intesity you need to workout at. All this goes way beyond the scope of my simple post.

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#9 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts
I'm in the military. I have been for going on 5 years. I have 2 years left in my second elistment and I wiil prolly make a carreer out of it then use my sweet GI Bill and go to college for Nada. I work in SpecOps so my job pretty much is awesome heh.
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#10 dlp21
Member since 2003 • 2116 Posts