@meatz666 @ernelson1976 @mjswooosh @Jacksonfaction I think he is not concerned because he doesn't borrow games. I see where he is coming from. I can't remember the last time I borrowed a game from someone. I usually just saved up and bought the games I wanted. Also, I don't think it works like that. if you don't own the game (license) then it appears it will take you to an online vender to purchase the game (license). I'm indifferent about it because if you can transfer licenses, then it wouldn't be that much of a deal between friends, a bit more tedious though, but if it locked to you, then that would be a problem
@meatz666 @dman123_1 @mjswooosh @ernelson1976 yeah, i'm just saying though, blu ray is simply not as quick at reading data like a dvd drive and especially not like a HDD. He is not wrong, but I expected they would require some sort of game install, I just thought you can keep the disc in .
@lindenwilkinson @mjswooosh @mr_england you only own the plastic though, what they are protecting is the digital IP. I'm not saying it is right or wrong, but if you own something, for the most part you would protect it from things like theift.
@mjswooosh @ernelson1976 Well with the install req, Blu ray is to blame for that. Blu Ray simply can't read fast enough. SOme PS3 games required to be downloaded to the HDD, then ones that weren't had VEEEEERRRY long loading times.
500 gb is fine to start off, but I agree you should be able to replace it. but it seems that you can connect external drives to it.
Plus, they will say they have the interest of the consumer, but they also have the interest in their investors too, you have to remember they shelled out the money for them to do this in the 1st place.
@HairyMetalHead @mjswooosh @mr_england exactly. Politics as usual. People are ok with giving away their freedoms, just look at what's going on in the US today? Video is just a micro of what's going on
@meatz666 @dman123_1 but you are installing the game from the disc though..... Digitally is one thing, but that should already be a concern to you long before. with the TV, the demo he showed looks like he had a cable box hook up to it otherwise, it looks like something that can be turned on and off, plus not all providers support it.
Most other features work similar to the 360, I've played the 360 using my hotspot phone and I can play an hour barely using 50 mbs
dman123_1's comments