@Fo_Fai @dogman7 lol, I'm far from a baby boomer. However, I am smart and mature enough to know that microtransactions and always online DRM aren't as bad as bank fraud. Anybody who voted for EA CLEARLY has no responsibilities of their own or cares more about being able to play a couple of hours of The Sims than other peoples well being. It's truly sad.
@Celiria_Rose You make points that I or nobody else can argue with. However, I was excited for Overstrike when it was announced, it seemed entertaining and full of personality. Now that it has turned into Fuse it seems bland and boring. They had something that got people interested and instead of showing some artistic integrity, they backed down and are now making something that most people think looks like everything else, and if it looks like everything else, then why not just go with something that is already established?
@DaneGamer I feel like consoles are more convenient than a PC, and I've never felt like I've been missing out on anything by playing the console version of a game compared to the PC version. Yes you can argue there are no mods and whatnot. But there has to be something that makes them different right? Also, calling them outdated already is pretty unfair. With these specs they'd be able to play any PC game comfortably. Even if you're looking at PC only, not everyone has super high-end machines, and I'd say most people play with average settings with average specs.
dogman7's comments