@BlakMagix89 So they basically throw you free games to keep people from noticing how lackluster their service is. When they get something that's relevant to online gaming like a party system or decent in-game chat, then we can talk.
This is a pretty ludicrous statement, in January I'll have been an Xbox Live Gold member for 9 years and I have not ONCE thought that my $60 a year (or $1.15 a week) was a waste of money. I've played games on the PS3 and let me tell you the experience is far from stellar. On Xbox your money goes to supporting servers among many things. That's why I can go and play Gears of War 1 right now and still have fun, while on the Sony side if I wanted to play a game like Resistance 2 online I couldn't because as soon as the next line in the franchise comes out the take the predecessor offline for good. You get what you pay for and trust me Xbox Live is YEARS ahead of the PS3 in terms quality. Hate it or love it but the facts are facts.
If you're going to point a finger at video games, at least point a finger at violent media in general. TV shows that depict violent acts against people and the same with movies, video games are NOT the only medium people have access to and shouldn't be bullied if you have to point a finger don't do it half-assed.
@EctoSpartan Holy crap, I didn't notice how much the character models and everything changed until you pointed it out. That being said, it still looks good though.
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