@raweewat @dogman7 It was meant to be in the DMC article comments, sorry. But I will say SC has always been an amazing franchise, if people aren't going to play it because Michael Ironside isn't playing Sam Fisher, which is how it sounds, then it's their loss, not mine. As for the whole mark and execute thing, yeah, it's a little cheesy, but I'm glad they;'re catering to every playstyle in Blacklist and not putting one above the other. I think it's shaping up to be a great game and can't wait to play it. Also, spies Vs. mercs!!!
@OHGFawx @dogman7 Don't ask me how it happened, but I guarantee I was in the DMC article when I posted this, it's pretty funny how many likes it got though :P
People bitch about the stupidest crap. The game looks amazing, has a great story, an amazing combat system, and incredible voice acting, but change the guy's hair and nobody will play it. It's a good thing President Obama didn't grow an Afro before his second term election.
People bitch about the stupidest crap. The game got an 8.0, has a great story, amazing combat, and top notch voice acting... But won't play it because the guy's hair is different. Good thing President Obama didn't grow an afro before his second term election.
Wow, people are sensitive to the stupidest crap. I think the thing looks stupid and wouldn't spend the money on it, but how can someone be offended by it? You know it's being offered with a zombie game where there is gore and dismemberment. The only rational explanation is that only people with no plans on playing the game anyway are the ones complaining.
@PlasmaBeam44 It's sad knowing you're going to pass up on such an awesome looking game because Dante's hair is shorter and not white. But, whatever, you have fun moping, I'll have fun playing!
@BlakMagix89 We can go back and forth on this all day, the fact is I pay my $1.15 every week so I can have an optimal gaming experience, not so I can get a copy of Crash Bandicoot every month, I'm glad you enjoy the PS3, but you can't ignore that Microsoft has the superior online experience.
dogman7's comments