dom2000's forum posts
[QUOTE="GD1551"][QUOTE="ocstew"] Really now? Do you really think you have to max games like Crysis, Metro, and BF3 to have them vastly better looking than anything consoles can produce? It's all relative to what you pay. A $600 PC will still have a HUGE performance advantage over consoles. Not really an argument.ocstew
Really now why jump from consoles to PC to beat consoles in visuals and performance. The reason to jump to PC is to see the power of PC and watching crysis on medium doesn't do that.
Look, from what you've said I know you really don't know what you're talking about. A $600 PC will be able to play Crysis at High at 1680 by 1050 at 30 fps. That's hardly something to scoff at. BF3 will be even easier to run. And Metro doesn't particularly use all that graphics power well, it looks bad for such high requirements. This isn't really an argument. If you don't want to buy a gaming PC DON'T. Crysis at high isnt really that good looking ^^Hardcore or Casual gamers who really cares? at the end of the day they pay the same amount as the 'hardcore' gamers. Their opinions are just as valid as 'hardcore' gamers. What makes 'hardcore' gamers think they can dictate gamers?[QUOTE="viper-kid"][QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"]
One cannot go in and have a decent score at those games. They takes months of practice. Quake 3/Quake Live you WILL NOT survive at all.
CoD you can learn everything about the game within 2 days, and you'll still be killed by some little **** with an RPG or n00b-tube.
If you really needed to ask that question, you obviously don't play more "hardcore" games.
Casual games are boring.. If its balanced, requires teamwork, and skill then its fun and CoD is not fun. Without a challenge I get really bored.
i had to lol at this...i was really expecting a much higher score for you to be showing off....and yes cod requires little skill that much is obvious to anyone who plays CS or quake
The chart posted PROVES IW2 does not listen to it's fans, especially the ones that were with them from the beginning. You do know it was proven Activision bought off their reviewers right?
BF3? Mediocre? Why because they actually change and improved the gameplay, engine, and more?
Easy how to see people don't like CoD. It's a terrible SP and really imbalanced MP that caters to casuals with very bad gunplay.
That chart proves nothing, it's all nitpicking over things that 95% of players don't care and probably don't even know what it is. MW2 featured a much more fleshed out online MP and an amazing Spec Ops, and it shows by popularity daily, sales, and reviews.
PC gamers care about 100% of that chart. Look at MW2's User score on any site including this one. It's no where near the review score. Yet its one of the top played games on steam and has been since release....please please explain this to me? It ticks all the boxs that should make it NOT be popular on pc yet its played more than the vast majority of online pc games?I agree...and i would bet my very expensive hat it "feels" alot like BC2 as well....this game is being hyped through the roof and personally i cant understand it...oh wait actually i can, it looks good and actually uses pc's far superior graphic horsepower so hermits overlook all its faults and act as if its some pc exclusive from come on boasting about how it will have 64 players...seriously this just shows how much hermits standards have fallen if they are actually hyping that when bf2 had that yearsssss ago!It honestly looks a lot like BC2 imo. Almost identical in gameplay actually, so if BC2 looks like CoD then I guess.
[QUOTE="dom2000"][QUOTE="AncientDozer"]Brilliant post couldnt have said it better myself! To an average person even terms like "ghz" are confusing and they would not be aware of for example what ram works with what motherboard, very basic things that pc gamers know nearly instinctively. To build a computer without any prior knowledge it undoubtably requires quite abit of time googling various things and then having the confidence to actually put the thing together, knowing that you could potentially destroy quite an expensive piece of equipment. As Wasdie very rightfully said the average person does not want to do this and probably thinks building a computer is much harder than it actually is hence will never look up how to do it. I wouldn't say this is hard to find information, its like cooking, either you have the motivation to try out a new recipe or you don't. Even though something like the ram you mentioned is, labled, so its easy enough to say I need ddr3 1333 vs ddr2 1066. And after getting the pieces it pretty much only fits one way. In the end, most people just don't want to learn, They don't want to take 10 mins to read a description, and these are the people that panic when a save dialog pops up.I hightlighed something key here.
A lot of PC gamers will talk about how easy it is. For them. It's all hindsight, you know? And from experience. You have all the experience, he did not.
And, really, it's not easy for the average person if they shove all the responsibility on someone else. Which, by the way, still adds hassle and extra steps compared to the "go to game stop and pick up console" thing.
I can talk my Nephew into taking apart and then putting back together an assault rifle but that doesn't mean he'd know how to do it on his own or without supervision.
The PC gamers who make these arguments need to stop forgetting that they are talking from their own experience and abilities rather than the point of view of someone foreign to building a cost effective computer. Not everyone is going to be fortunate to havea friend to do all the work or walk them through.
Cooking is actually a great comparison :) Anyone one can do it with a little motivation, basic practical skills and the ability to read!
[QUOTE="ehussein1379"]How do you explain Demon Souls, or Witcher 2, or Mass Effect 2 GOTY?clone01Huh? Aside from maybe the Witcher 2, none of those games are all that complex. Witcher 2 "complex"? :P Considering every quest you are basically pointed exactly way to go i cant see how anyone could think its complex....and the combat and alchemy are easily mastered as well.
Pretty much. Paying $300 for a gaming console whose tech it's gonna be fully used makes more sense to me than spening $800+ just to get nicer version of the exact same games. It's just better value.[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="ehussein1379"]So its an economy of scale. Fair enough.ehussein1379
I'll agree with you there. Anecdotally a friend is perpetually trying to save money, and bought a PS3 instead of PC for that exact reason.
However, he sees my gaming box and W2/Crysis/GTA4modded/JC2/ME2 enhanced and laments his decision.
Sometimes spending a little more can actually save you money, if you aren't happy with the 'low-end' product.
PC offers way more than a console, but you have to pay for it. JC2 modded for example is a different version of the game, same base, different outcome.
Well lets be honest, to play the highest end pc games at highest settings with high frame rates costs more than a little more than a console! Not like Metro or even Crysis 2 can be maxed on a med range card at a high resolution.[QUOTE="110million"]
[QUOTE="Ravensmash"]devote hours in to researching the best parts/combinations. Then comes the physical aspect of building the PC....I don't particularly want to construct it myself - not just through laziness either.AncientDozer
This is basically a myth. A friend once asked for help with building a PC, he told me the price range and what he wanted it for, and in like 10 minutes I found him all the parts for cheap prices. Say you want to spend $800, RAM and Motherboards are all pretty standard, GPU and CPU are the only parts that take a bit of research. You find out within your price range, and check a hardware site or two to see how it performs on games you may want to get.
Putting the parts themselves together is essentially lego, back in highschool I've seen 14 year old girls being walked through it, everything just clips together.
I hightlighed something key here.
A lot of PC gamers will talk about how easy it is. For them. It's all hindsight, you know? And from experience. You have all the experience, he did not.
And, really, it's not easy for the average person if they shove all the responsibility on someone else. Which, by the way, still adds hassle and extra steps compared to the "go to game stop and pick up console" thing.
I can talk my Nephew into taking apart and then putting back together an assault rifle but that doesn't mean he'd know how to do it on his own or without supervision.
The PC gamers who make these arguments need to stop forgetting that they are talking from their own experience and abilities rather than the point of view of someone foreign to building a cost effective computer. Not everyone is going to be fortunate to havea friend to do all the work or walk them through.
Brilliant post couldnt have said it better myself! To an average person even terms like "ghz" are confusing and they would not be aware of for example what ram works with what motherboard, very basic things that pc gamers know nearly instinctively. To build a computer without any prior knowledge it undoubtably requires quite abit of time googling various things and then having the confidence to actually put the thing together, knowing that you could potentially destroy quite an expensive piece of equipment. As Wasdie very rightfully said the average person does not want to do this and probably thinks building a computer is much harder than it actually is hence will never look up how to do it.
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