at least heaven I can...... (insert)
dom2000's forum posts
Ehh.....I have been hearing this argument since the NES days, something is always wrong with gaming blah blah blah. Maybe its just personal for you. I however think this is the best generation ever and would never trade the longer games,mature themes,developed storylines and moral choices/sandbox play for ramped up difficulty,insanley hard bosses and lack of saves that only served to cover up how little there really was in old school games. Just my opinion. mattykovaxLol i completely disagree...theres no way in my eyes this is the best generation ever. As an fps fan, in 2004 on pc we had cod2, riddick, half life 2, doom 3, farcry and painkiller more variety than this whole gen altogether.
So now that the Battlefield 3 Engine's destruction (the main attention of the engine) is getting nerfed to a lower level than Frostbite 1.0, there really is no reason to hype the engine so people can stop now. The only real difference from BC2 on PC is they added Motion blur options and the only difference in Console version is the added MLAA support? Im talking about the Engine here, Not the gameplay....which should still be fun
1. No it's not. It's what we've been seeing. They just aren't allowing buildings to collaspe anymore.
2. Yes. The engine is a graphical BEAST and will easily be the best looking game (on PC of course. Consoles could never handle it.) That's just the icing though. The real cake is the Battlefield gameplay, which is by far the best of any FPS. They use much more advanced lighting, physics, sound has been improved even further, EXCELLENT animation engine from EA Sports, and more.
CSS >> Battlefield for now and forever!Then maybe the devs will actually start focusing on other things such as AI which has barely improved since Half life 1....and gameplay which IMO is getting more and more simplified every year espically in the increasingly stale fps genre.
Um well if pc doesnt have the software then its not a gen point having so much power if barely any of it is used.Sorry, but PC are in fact a gen ahead. Do bad a lot of devs seem to be ignoring that and not taking full advantage of what the PC can do. That's not PC's fault, it is the devs fault.
Nope. For few reasons[QUOTE="[deleted]"]
First of all let me just say that, this is not a thread about how PC games are getting "consolized".Do you think that STALKER 2 is going to be "streamlined" like many other PC exclusives to appeal to a larger audience because I seriously doubt the game will attract the typical console crowd if it is not "streamlined".
- the main market for the game is PC and that's where the devs will make most of their money, so there's little incentive to damage it for sake of making the porting easier.
And second, the recent info shows the game is actually being made as PC exclusive, with eventual PS3 release only considered at this moment. So even if console versions happen, they won't have a chance to affect pc version negative;y/
Let us hope you are right.....however if they look at the sales of COD and try to emulate it then i think we have reason to worry. Also multiplayer....stalker has never been about multiplayer, if they have a large focus on it this time around i would seriously be worried!
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