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#1 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

Metro 2033 didn't feel consolised at all even when it went on xbox 360, so I don't think so

Well it is 100% linear with pretty poor gunplay....more than enough for many to scream consolised!!!!
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#2 dom2000
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seriously the game looked bad even for pc when it was released.lightleggy
Fairly sure it was considered graphics king on the pc when it was released....most certainly no where near considered "bad" lol go look at the review^^ Also where are those countless hermits that think Fear 1 looks better than any console games? Come defend your silly claims!
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#3 dom2000
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Who cares when they can play the VASTLY superior sequel?


:lol; Fear 2 was a VASTLY inferior sequel to FEAR 1.

FEAR 1 had a bigger impact when it was released than FEAR 2 did.

but other than that, side by side, Fear 1 is a joke compared to the sequel.

The plot, the weapons, atmostphere, gameplay diversity, setpieces, everything.

Your wrong, although i actually really liked Fear 2 (the same cant be said for fear 3 unfortunately....) after having a Fear marathon there last week, the first Fear and their expansions are definitely the better game even despite the dated graphics. The gunplay is much faster paced and espically in perseus mandate on the hardest difficulty i felt that i really needed the slow motion to survive. Fear 2 on the other hand i feel confident i could breeze through on the hardest difficulty even without slow mo. Still, fear 2 >>>>>>>>> that call of duty clone "fear" 3
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#4 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

More like a lot of console gamers overexagerate the level of graphics in many console games. I still recall the "Uncharted 2 looks better than Crysis" threads that popped up in late 2009.

Sure, not every PC game released is a graphic powerhouse. Tweak a pair of settings and the difference gives you the shivers. Just look at those GTA4 screenshots and compare them with the console version - think that this can be done with virtually every game.

Most games cant be modded to give such a massive increase in graphic fidelity such as that demonstrated by gta 4......
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#5 dom2000
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you know PC has won when the main debate here is that pc is just "moderatly better" instead of "vastly better"



OH I was thinking more along the lines of "The truth has finally been spoken"..Now if PC gamers would just admit it we can move on..All be friends and live happily together..

Just admit what? That PC is only "slightly better"? Let me give you a thought excersise to prove your bias. Imagine a new console comes out next month, it can go over 1080p resolutions, capable of 60fps on the majority of games, have advanced dx11 equivalent rendering and effects like shadows, particles, and shaders, as well much higher res textures, high texture filtering and AA (jagged edge smoothing for the tech illiterate) and advanced physics, along with more in depth games with larger scale. You would be like "Oh my god! This is the NEXT GENERATION of consoles". Well, PC does all those things I just listed, yet you refuse to give it credit because its not a "console" per say, its bias, plain and simple.

Difference is this new console the developers would actually use its power.....high end pcs need multi screens and insane resolutions to come anywhere near using their full power...and resolution can only do so much. If i play half life 1 or even half life 2 on some insane resolution with 32x aa its still gonna look very dated but ofcourse some hermits on this forum would probably argue it looks better than any console game just like FEAR supposely does ^^
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#6 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts


The only game that looked better then the best PS3 exclusive was crysis, a corridor fps with and great phsyics and barely any enenies on screen.

If this game is runing on a PC that has 4x the Ram on the PS3, a much better and faster GPU, and a more powerfull CPU then the Cell ( I doubt it).

Then pc gamers must really have low standards. Better graphics don't make for a better game. It's all about gameplay and that is where PC game fail hard.

PC games need a new way to play games k/M is an abysmal way to try to play shooters.


Not worth responding since you don't know what you're talking about.

PC games are miles ahead, the only people who disagree are astonishingly enough... console gamers, who haven't experienced PC gaming's potential. Put simply PC games are running in twice the resolution at twice the frame rate with better textures, draw distance and anti-aliasing, in other words; there's nothing to debate here.

Being able to render games in 1080p (not stretched 720p like on yawnsoles) with higher res textures and run at a constant 60fps instead of mostly 30 enough to justify that its a generation ahead? Superior lighting, shaders, and physics is another generation. So 2 generations aheadm, not anymore than that though.

This logic is just ridiculous....and your not the only person in this thread to purpose this....i seriously wonder how can people be so deluded...both console and pc gamers in this forum are the same. Think of the difference between the ps2 and the ps3, the resolution increased, the texture resolution increased, the lighting, shaders, and physics and the ASSETS were higher quality. I guess thats what 6 differences so 6 generations between them? A generation per difference? Almost fits into your logic perfectly. Put it this way, a non gamer would easily see the difference between a ps2 and a ps3 game but would struggle to notice the difference between any multiplats on pc and the consoles. The top pc games, modded gta4, crysis 2 direct x 11, modded crysis i think are close to a generation ahead but the chance!
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#7 dom2000
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Killzone? Lolfail. Nothing special there, highly scripted AI in small linear levels with only one or two designated flanking roues. OOOOOOOOHHH I'm impressed!! Ever hear of ARMA 2? Every RTS game? They demonstrate better AI.


Way to play Killzone 2 on easy and compare it to a strategy game AI. For one AI is VERY important when it comes to RTS so that's just a completely unfair comparison to a FPS to begin with. I can't speak for ARMA 2 though. But I hear it's just ridiculous.

In any case to call Killzone AI bad is simply laughable. They aren't scripted at all. No battle plays out the same way.

Forget it, you are covered in a viel of ignorance. Really? Battles are VASTLY different each time? WOW you are a fool. And how is the RTS argument invalid? I just listed PC Games that have better AI so of course your gonna invalidate it with "Oh thats not fair, I'm gonna cry your a meany!". So its a game genre that requires good ai, it still proves PC Games have better AI. Does Killzone's AI engage in infantry, battles AND drive all manner of military land, sea, and air vehicles all in a completely open world 225 square kilometer map like in ARMA2? No. Get over it, if you think a six year old CPU in a console has nearly equal AI processing capability to a 2011 i7 2600k or AMD equivalent, I can't help you, the education system has already failed you.

What a flawed arguement....u dont need anywhere near a i7 2600k to process even the most advance ai out where near! And its not like the more powerful your processor the better your is dependant on the developers ^^ Ive played Arma 2....its ai really isnt that impressive...and rts is really not a fair comparison as that genre is basically non existant on the consoles so we have nothing to compare to. Fps on the other hand we can compare and theres no significant difference at all.
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#8 dom2000
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#9 dom2000
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I would post a pic but i currently have no clothes on

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#10 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

[QUOTE="pomd1"]I agree, the only differences I see on PC are higher resolution, better draw distance, higher-res textures which doesn't make a huge difference. Not worth switching to PC.PublicNuisance

Cheaper games, mods, don't pay for online (if your comparing to 360), better lighting, the capabibility for better AI (haven't seen anything surpass F.E.A.R. whoch came out in 2005), there are more differences than what you state.

Lol i find it funny when you say the pc has the capacity for better ai (which it does) but there is not a single fps on the pc that has better ai than Fear or the Killzone seris except perhaps modded Crysis and even then its very close!