9 is high but I don't regret buying it or playing it. I enjoyed it a lot, just not as much as I would have hoped. I just wish this wasn't the only game of this nature that I could buy. And I don't mean 1st person stealth action games. I mean just a solid, long single player game with a unique story/background and some intrigue. Very few of those, even from the companies that are supposed to make em. Like BioWare. I swear, Quantic Dream and CD Projekt are the only two companies really doing different stuff nowadays.
very glad this game turned out well. it looked fantastic in all the previews I saw, and it's proof that you don't have to keep cloning the same few multiplayer games to make a good product.
Hopefully people buy this instead of RE6, which is a bloated effort from a company that's gotten too comfortable and hasn't been as good as in the past.
people in video games think of video games as having far more meaning in people's lives than they actually have. i am a huge video game guy but most people just play to pass an hour or shoot their friends in MW3 and I'm fine with that. For him to talk down on the rest of the industry though is a little snooty. not everything needs to be intense.
i own amalur and don't even want to play it. i wish i wanted to, but it really isn't great or even good. it's the kind of game where if it were the first game i played, i wouldn't understand why people play video games. its as bland as possible and the character moves around the world as though he's ice skating.
I'm interested in all of those games and hope this means Kalypso will eclipse the reputation it has earned; that all they know how to do is make games about building tropical island paradises.
Violence is human nature, as anyone with a history book could tell you. The longest and most significant peace, Pax Romana under Augustus Caesar, saw the creation of the gladiator games and the most violent recreational activities in human history. Video games are a far safer outlet for violence than real-life. Sports are popular as well because they satiate a similar type of desire.
Square Enix is the least creative major developer there is. They want to push limits graphically, not gameplay-wise. Gamers want gameplay to advance, not just graphics. Even in their most progressive title, Deus Ex HR, they opted to go with traditional boss fights instead of allowing stealth mechanics the whole way through. Watch Dogs (Ubisoft) is the only game I've seen that really pushes the envelope both graphically AND gameplay-wise.
the live action thing they filmed for the game really looked great. david fincher could make a movie based on this look amazing. (fight club, seven, social netowrk, girl with the dragon tattoo)
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