@naomha1: I'm just not convinced a new console is something Nintendo could deliver on. Not anything that would compete with Sony or Microsoft at any rate. Those consoles are at the high end of components and tech and not something Nintendo has ever done particularly well.
If they did drop a new console, it would have to be something pretty spectacular to make anyone take notice.
Unless Nintendo have secretly been working on something crazy and literally no one knows about it (unlikely), then I doubt you will ever see Nintendo deliver on that front anytime soon.
A new handheld with some decent specs wouldn't hurt, not the bargain basement components they seem to continuously use, I'm talking about components with some degree of future-proofing at least.
@nintendians: Switch is dead in anything reasonably decent game-wise now. No serious developer is going to bother with it. It's basically irrelevant now.
PS5 & XBSX just took everything to a whole new level and Switch was struggling to even cut it with bargain basement ports on previous gen. There is no way in hell that anything from this gen will make it to the switch.
@nintendians: I think they are best holding down the handheld market because really, they have that buttoned up pretty tight at the moment. There is no chance in hell that Nintendo can compete with Sony or Microsoft in the console market. Even if Nintendo wanted to produce a new console, it wouldn't be for this gen. They'd need years just to develop the tech that would need to surpass the PS5 & Xbox Series X for the next gen of consoles in about 3-4 years time.
@Pyrosa: I think you missed the point completely. It's not about comparing what's sold by comparison, it's about what available tech we have now and the opportunity for Nintendo to come through with some decent hardware for once.
@climhazard5: It's aged pretty badly compared to almost every other device out there right now. Phones are literally trouncing the switch with regards to CPU & GPU output and have far superior OLED screens & resolution. This is what people expect nowadays from any handheld device.
Software is basically stuck at a certain visual fidelity, with no chance on improving on that. If you're happy with that then yeah, stick with it but mine personally, barely gets used. Maybe picked it up literally 6 months ago and that's about it. Not even going to bother selling it because I doubt anybody would want it.
It's hard to see how Nintendo can stay relevant right now. I barely hear of any interesting news regarding new or proposed future hardware or software for that matter.
I guess we'll just see what happens but I doubt anything interesting will drop from Nintendo anytime soon.
That game is probably the exception, rather than the rule. The switch has just dated very fast and it's no longer the gaming device of choice in my household. My phone has better graphics and a better screen honestly.
An upgraded switch is just a complete waste of money and this is just Nintendo trying to squeeze something else out of the base switch with little to no other improvements.
They need a brand new handheld with decent horsepower and a decent screen.
@sparent180: It'll be a 4 year old handheld in March, this year and the components were dated, even on release. I doubt it's selling as much as you think it is and it's almost certainly ready to be replaced. Problem is, what to replace it with?
I don't think there will be much uptake to move over to 4K or OLED, which has been around for a long time. Nintendo just starting to catch on that people actually want decent screens to play on their handhelds. They should have opted for that on release. The Vita had a beautiful OLED screen on launch.
They've got no chance competing with Sony & Microsoft on the console front, so a new, more powerful handheld would be a good move to keep Nintendo relevant at this point.
@wahsobe: Well, the initial 'wow' hasn't worn off, that's what I'm saying. I think it looks cool as hell. All the peripherals match as well and it just adds to the premium look of the whole package. Subjective of course.
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