@videogameninja: I think it was memorable based on the sheer amount of publicity this game got. The marketing budget alone eclipsed the actual production costs of the game.
Disney owns the biggest film franchises in existence and they can literally plough hundreds of millions into production and potentially, even more on marketing. The quality of their movies is generally, very high, so no surprise they are cleaning up with the $$$.
I do wonder if The Rise of Skywalker will do as well as predicted?
Given the time of the year where literally every family has free time to go out and watch this as an early christmas present for the whole family, I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being another record breaker in turn-out and takings.
This is a game that got stranded in the year 2000 and never caught up.
Just watching the recent game-play, you'd be forgiven for thinking you were playing the original Dreamcast title that came out in 1999. It just doesn't belong in this era.
As already mentioned, nostalgia just isn't enough to make this worth your time in 2019.
It's actually quite a clever business move. Just watch the Vive headsets fly off the shelves now that this has been launched. Huge game sales and more importantly, a big spike in sales of the VR hardware.
All in all, I'm the same as quite a few people here, in that, Half Life was a ground breaking game back in the day, same with Half Life2 to some extent but I just don't get that excited about a new Half Life now that I'm in my mid 50's. There's so much other cool software around that I don't mind being surprised when something drops. And that doesn't necessarily equate to a day 1 purchase either.
Partially agree with this, in that, super hero films have practically become serialised, mainly because there is so much money to be made from them.
It does appear to be imploding somewhat, particularly if you see what's happening to the Marvel Universe and almost certainly the Star Wars franchise, which is so over-saturated, it isn't special anymore. That's the main problem I feel. You just become numb to the action and fireworks, until it just feels like more of the same and gets very hard to distinguish one film from the other.
Add to this all the 'woke' agenda's being shoe-horned into pretty much every film that's put out there nowadays, it's no surprise people are getting sick of it.
I think generally, the film industry needs s serious kick up the arse and a pretty hard reset.
ecurl143's comments