[QUOTE="erc500"] First of all, nobody puts faith in science. Science is in no way based on faith. Please don't say that it is because if you do i fear i will be banned for all the things i will be forced to call you. Science is based on rigorous testing, evaluations and peer review
While I have a lot of time for Dawkins, I do have one problem with him, and it's the same problem I have with erc500's statement. Belief in science is based on faith. Ultimately every belief and belief system is fundamentally based on faith. In every belief there are assumptions which are deniable. Science takes a naive approach to the universe that assumes rationality, consistency and transparency are true. So, yes it is rational to believe science, yet belief in a rational system itself because it's rational is a circular argument. To believe in rationality,thus science, is ultimately a leap of faith.
So personally, while I agree with nearly everything Dawkins says, he's philosophically wrong if he thinks he's definitely right.
Science is not based on faith. When a scientist thinks something to be true they have a hypothesis. They then test this hypothesis and develop a theory based on the results of the tests which may or may not agree with the original hypothesis. They then repeat the experiments to verify their theory. Once they have thoroughly tested the theory and are satisfied that it is correct they allow it to be reviewed and tested by their peers in the scientific community. If the theory holds up under these tests then it becomes accepted as correct. None of these steps are based on faith.
Scientist never claim to be deffinitely right. They only ever claim to be correct given all that is currently known and only if something has been repeateadly verified by different people.
Scientists don't believe in "science", it is not some deity or belief system, it is a means to an end, that end being a greater understanding of the universe.
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