Well I own a PS3 and I think it beats the 360 in every possible category. I just created this thread to see what the Xbox owners have to say. So far Ive gotten games, online and controller. Here are mine.
Price - Equal in price.
Online - Free and does the job. Not even sure why people say LIVE is better. But having more players and most of them with mics may be a good thing.
Games - MGS4, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2. Top 3 Sony Exclusives IMO and cant be topped by any 360 exclusive. Until you play those 3 games, you really shouldnt talk bad about them or youre just a fanboy.
Features - Blu-Ray drive, internet browser, wifi adapter, slot loading drive, hard drive support for all systems are some of the things the 360 doesnt have.
Reliability - PS3. Cant argue with this after all those RRODs.
Controls - Definitely subjective but I prefer the analog sticks side by side. My thumb has to be stretched out to use the 360s left analog stick.
Hardware - Proven by those 3 exclusives.
Value - PS3 because of Blu-Ray support and a built in Wifi adapter. The 360 Wifi adapter costs $100. Thats an insult to customers because PC Wifi adapters cost $20-40. So you guys know how much Microsoft is ripping you guys off.
Compatibility - PS3 uses standard laptop hard drives. Xbox 360 hard drives are proprietary and cost a lot more.
Convenience - PS3 uses a power cable with no power brick. 360 has a huge power brick. PS3 has a slot loading drive. 360 has a cup holder.
I dont want to create anymore categories because this is getting boring. Thats just some of the stuff I can think of. Didnt include things like Home or Folding because this will be TLDR. Can you 360 kids counter this?
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